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How did we get here? Florin High’s PLC Journey Diehl/October 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "How did we get here? Florin High’s PLC Journey Diehl/October 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 How did we get here? Florin High’s PLC Journey Diehl/October 2010

2 Sustained Growth Model introduced in 2007 Mission and Core Values Clearly Defined Decision- Making Framework Project Management and Accountabilit y for Action Effective Teams PLC Elements Our Business Teaching and Learning M. Cerutti

3 2007-2008 Mission and Core Values Effective Teams and PLC elements Project Managem ent Clearly Defined Decision Making Framework Introduction of the Continuous Improvement Model (2006-07) School-wide writing of Core Values Steering Committee Action Teams CLHS conference Professional Learning Communities Book Study Our Business Teaching and Learning English Dept: ERWC grant

4 2008-2009 Effective Teams and PLC elements Project Managem ent Clearly Defined Decision Making Framework Interest-based PLCs Mindset Reading Rhetorically START SDAIE SLCs Athletics & Academics CLHS conference Learning By Doing Book Study PLAT focus Steering Committee Action Teams Interest-based PLCs Steering Committee and Action teams utilizing Continuous Improvement Model

5 2009-2010 Mission and Core Values Our Business Teaching and Learning Long Beach Team revisits and makes current Effective Teams and PLC elements CLHS conference Small Learning Communities Book Study PLAT focus Introduction of Curricular Teams Asilomar Team Leader initial training EL/SDAIE Department work Algebra I team Interest-based PLCs Mindset Merchants of Hope Numeracy 21 st Century Technology SLCs Athletics & Academics

6 2010-2011 Our Business Teaching and Learning Effective Teams and PLC elements PLAT focus Curricular Team PLCs Growth Mindset Grant Introduction Teaching and Learning Model Growth Mindset Grant Curriculum Team PLCs sustaining growth through distributed leadership and learning by doing

7 2010-2011 Differentiation for Our Teams Curriculum Team A Curriculum Team B Curriculum Team C

8 Sustainability is the vision Florin High School

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