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Day 8 : 8/26/11 Topic: Safety & Static Electricity Objective: I will understand the terms positive, negative and neutral. Starter: How could a car repair.

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Presentation on theme: "Day 8 : 8/26/11 Topic: Safety & Static Electricity Objective: I will understand the terms positive, negative and neutral. Starter: How could a car repair."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 8 : 8/26/11 Topic: Safety & Static Electricity Objective: I will understand the terms positive, negative and neutral. Starter: How could a car repair shop use static electricity to aid in painting a car?

2 Pick up textbooks Go to math office & check out books Put book in locker as needed Return to room 10 minutes max All other classes going on- BE QUIET!!!!

3 Lab Safety Read through Safety guidelines Highlight important information Complete Safety Quiz Sign Safety Contract and hand in.

4 Practice Fire & Tornado drill Review procedures for Fire drill 1.Fire alarm bell 2.Order of exit 3.Single file & stay to right 4.Assigned person close door 5.Follow Mr. Clapp to assigned area. Tornado drill 1.Announcement – no bell 2.Follow same procedure as fire drill 3.Go to designated area in building – by room 133 4.Be seated by lockers and follow any instructions


6 Note this- Painting cars Some automobile manufacturers use static electricity to help them paint the cars they make. The way this works is that they first prepare the car's surface and then put it in a paint booth. Next, they give the paint an electrical charge and then spray a fine mist of paint into the booth. The charged paint particles are attracted to the car and stick to the body, just like a charged balloon sticks to a wall. Once the paint dries, it sticks much better to the car and is smoother because it is evenly distributed. Summary Uses of static electricity include pollution control, copy machines, and painting. They use the property that opposite electrical charges attract. There are other uses involving the properties of repulsion and the creating of static electricity sparks.

7 RP: What is Static? Copy and complete the statement. (In Notebook page ) 1.An example of static is… 2.Static refers to… 3.The two kinds of charge are...and.. 4.The ___ of an atom is ____ charged, while the surrounding shells are______charged. 5.If you add electrons it becomes _____ charged. 6.If you remove electrons it becomes___charged. 7.If you have the same amount of (+) and (-) charges it becomes_____charged. 8.Rubbing produces static because… 9.Objects that are oppositely charged ____ one another, while objects that have the same charge ____ one another. 10.Explain one negative effect of static electricity. 11.Explain one benefit of static electricity. 12.There is more static electricity in the winter time because… 13.How does “anti-static” spray work?

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