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Web 2.0 Tools & UU Building Your Technology Toolbox Gayla S. Keesee, Ph.D. October 5, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Web 2.0 Tools & UU Building Your Technology Toolbox Gayla S. Keesee, Ph.D. October 5, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web 2.0 Tools & UU Building Your Technology Toolbox Gayla S. Keesee, Ph.D. October 5, 2011

2 UUA Social Media Resources Communications and Social Media for Unitarian Universalist Congregations ◦ UUA Social Media Discussion List ◦ UU Planet (Peter Bowden) ◦ UUCA Building Your Technology Toolbox ◦ echnology%20Toolbox echnology%20Toolbox

3 What’s the Difference? Read only contentUser-created content Semantic web, personalization, intelligent search

4 Opportunities Viral spread of information Building relationships with low level of risk-taking for seekers Integration into daily life

5 Challenges Growing diversity of tools and niches  decentralized audience  more effort needed to reach same audience Potential decreased control of image (personal and congregational) Increased amount of content  risk of content overload How to translate real-world relationship norms into online norms

6 Centrality of mission Add value, offer meaning Consistency of tone in self-presentation Present the congregation’s “best self” Healthy relationships (communal and one- to-one; safety, ethics)  clear and enforced expectations General principles

7 How to choose a tool? 1. Clarify mission 2. Analyze opportunities to further mission 3. Ask detailed questions ◦who, what, why, when, how 4. Research possible tools 5. Choose tools

8 Choose the Right Tool


10 Social Networking in Plain English

11 Access to People: Social Networks Facebook ◦Profiles – finding others ◦Sharing photos, comments on the wall, ◦Email and discussion groups ◦Applications ◦Keeping in touch with distant friends/relatives

12 Basic information about Facebook Facebook is a social networking site for individuals and organizations. Individuals may establish personal profiles on Facebook. Organizations may establish pages or groups on Facebook (pages are preferred).


14 Advantages of using Facebook Large user-base Information sent directly to fans’ news feeds, and are visible upon login to FB. Allows for sharing of different kinds of content (including video, photos, and event invitations) Content easily updated Pages provide analytics information about fans

15 Comments? Questions?

16 Creating & Organizing Data Web-based “Office” applications Presentation Sharing Photo Sharing Video Sharing Audio Sharing

17 Google Docs in Plain English

18 World's largest community for sharing presentations on the web Can embed YouTube videos Can narrate presentations online Linked to LinkedIn social network Linked to Blogger


20 Online Photo Sharing in Plain English

21 Flickr & Picasa

22 Invention of the Year (2006) Video-sharing web site ◦Users upload and display videos ◦Users can also respond to videos using ratings, comments, and other features.

23 Advantages of using YouTube Visual: sights, sounds, and words all at once Easy to embed on other platforms (e.g., blogs and Facebook) Channels: group together multiple videos from same user ◦Customizable channel design ◦Can create multiple playlists within a single channel

24 UUA YouTube Channel

25 Who we are…

26 Podcasting Pod (iPod) + broadcast = Podcast Differs from streaming audio ◦ Automatically delivered to player –don’t have to click on a link to download ◦ Listen when you want – not when a program is scheduled

27 Podcasting in Plain English

28 Finding Them

29 Dead simple More involved Windows Sound Recorder or Telephone or Digital voice recorder + Pod-o-matic Audacity + Pod-o-matic Audacity + Blog + Feedburner Making Them

30 Comments? Questions?

31 Wikis PBworks Wikispaces Wet Paint

32 Wikipedia: Collaborative Encyclopedia

33 Wikis: The ultimate collaboration tool  Special web site  Users can add, remove, edit & change content—based on permissions  Not need access to or knowledge of web publishing software  Collaboration  Group members work on common document in common location

34 Wikis in Plain English

35 UU Church of Augusta Wiki

36 Social Justice Wiki Pages

37 Your turn Is there an Internet site or application you would like to share with us?? Do you have a burning question? See you next week. We’ll look specifically at Facebook and UU.

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