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Setting up your headset in GarageBand. Plug in Headphones Headphones use a USB adapter Do NOT remove plugs from adapter Simply plug into USB port.

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Presentation on theme: "Setting up your headset in GarageBand. Plug in Headphones Headphones use a USB adapter Do NOT remove plugs from adapter Simply plug into USB port."— Presentation transcript:

1 Setting up your headset in GarageBand

2 Plug in Headphones Headphones use a USB adapter Do NOT remove plugs from adapter Simply plug into USB port

3 First, Open Garage Band and choose Podcast.

4 Save your file.

5 Click on Preferences

6 Click on Audio/Midi

7 Choose Audio Output

8 Choose USP PNP Sound Device

9 Click “Yes”

10 Repeat Change Audio Input using the same steps

11 You are now ready to record. Choose a voice track. Press the red button and begin to speak.

12 You will see your voice pattern.

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