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US and NY STATE 2013

2 The National Picture: analysis of 2013 deaths source: NFPA, “FIREFIGHTER FATALITIES IN THE UNITED STATES ” (June 2014)

3 Note: There are always discrepancies between NFPA and USFA casualty numbers due to differences defining “firefighters” and “line-of-duty”. We generally use NFPA’s figures…

4 US Firefighting Deaths (Includes personnel such as military, contractors, wildland crews, etc.)
Note: The 2013 jump in fatalities is chiefly due to 2 incidents: the Yarnell Hill fire in Arizona (which claimed 19 members of a wildland crew affiliated with a municipal FD) and a fertilizer plant explosion in Texas which killed 9 firefighters.

5 US Firefighter Deaths: Career & Volunteer 2003 - 2013 (excludes non-FD personnel)

6 US Firefighting Deaths by Type of Duty, 2013 source: NFPA

7 US Firefighting Deaths by Cause of Injury, 2013

8 US Firefighting Deaths by Nature of Injury, 2013

9 US Firefighter Deaths by Age & Cause of Death, 2013

10 US Firefighter Deaths in Motor Vehicle Accidents, 2003-2013

11 Background Information on US Firefighter Deaths
Source: National Fire Protection Association

12 2013 US Firefighter Fatalities
97 firefighters died in the line of duty. “This total represents a sharp increase over recent years due primarily to two disastrous incidents – the Yarnell Hill Fire in Arizona that claimed the lives of 19 wildland firefighters and the explosion at a fertilizer plant in Texas that killed nine firefighters, along with an EMT and five local residents.” -- NFPA [Note: NFPA does not consider the Yarnell Hill victims “full-time firefighters”]

13 2013 Firefighting Fatalities Who is dying?
Career firefighters (defined as those who are employed full-time as firefighters) suffered 25 deaths. Volunteer and part-time paid firefighters accounted for 41 deaths. 31 additional deaths (19 members of a wildland crew associated with a municipal FD, 6 government land management employees, 3 federal contractors, 2 state contractors, 1 inmate) were reported by NFPA. The median age of firefighters who died on duty dropped to 40 years, due to the youth of the Yarnell Hill wildland crew victims.

14 2013 Firefighter Fatalities Why are we dying
2013 Firefighter Fatalities Why are we dying? Stress and overexertion are still leading killers The largest single medical cause (36%) of firefighter deaths in 2013 was sudden cardiac vascular or cardiac events. “Sudden cardiac death continues to claim a major share of the on-duty deaths annually. Progress has been made in this area, however, with [2013] representing the second lowest total since this study began in 1977.” – NFPA Two died of overexertion during training. There was one suicide, and one firefighter died after an assault by a fellow firefighter.

15 2013 Firefighter Fatalities Where are we dying
2013 Firefighter Fatalities Where are we dying? Half of all fireground deaths were wildland fire or at prescribed burns – an exceptionally bad year. While progress has been made in reducing response/return deaths, volunteers are especially at risk. 5 of the 9 firefighters who died as a result of crashes were not wearing seatbelts.

16 2013 Firefighter Fatalities Where are we dying?
Because residential fires are most com- mon, the highest incidence of fire-fighter fireground deaths in structures was in residential occupancies. HOWEVER, fires in nonresidential structures, esp. manufacturing properties, are more hazardous to firefighters, on average. (There are fewer of them, but they are deadlier.)

17 New York State Line of Duty Deaths and Injuries 2013
Note: Injury statistics are from the NYS Fire Incident Reporting System (report IIC series). Since participa-tion is voluntary, the numbers are incomplete and reflect only reported casualties. FDNY deaths are included here, but injuries are not. In 2013, FDNY members reported 8,937 injuries (233 of them burns) but we have no other details. Fatality information taken from USFA.

18 New York State Line of Duty Deaths, 2003-2013

19 2013 NY State Line-of-duty deaths
James C. Goodman, Jr., 11/11/13, age 52 Lt. Goodman passed away while at the fire station from a cause still to be officially reported. (Fatality status is provisional and may change as USFA contacts State Fire Marshals to verify fatality incident information.) According to fire department officials, Goodman was found unresponsive in the exercise room of the firehouse. Thomas Burley, 6/18/13, age 20 Returning from fire department mandated training at the Niagara County Public Safety Training Facility, FF Burley died when his privately owned vehicle was involved in an accident. John M. Janos, 4/6/13, age 57 After having responded to an automatic fire alarm on the 5th floor of an occupied multiple dwelling earlier in the morning, FF Janos was found deceased in bed at the firehouse. George A. Turner, Jr., 3/8/13, age 60 Capt. Turner passed away from an apparent heart attack while responding to a motor vehicle accident on the Long Island Expressway. Matthew J. Porcari, 1/22/13, age 34 Owego FD Co.3 responded to a mutual aid call. While performing interior attack on the structure, Capt. Porcari and another firefighter fell through the floor of the structure. Capt. Porcari succumbed to his injuries; the other firefighter was seriously burned.

20 Online map 2009 to present with USFA list of line-of-duty deaths
Right-click map below, then “Open Hyperlink” to see where NYS LODDs occurred (with names, dates, details)

21 2013 NYS Fire Service Injuries by Activity (if reported)

22 2013 NYS Fire Service Injuries by Type of Duty (if reported)

23 2013 NYS Fire Service Injuries by Cause (if reported)

24 2013 NYS Fire Service Injuries by Symptom (if reported)

25 2013 NYS Firefighter Injuries by Location (if reported)

26 Analysis of 2011 NYS fire & EMS motor vehicle accidents source: NYS DMV

27 2011 NYS Fire Vehicle Accidents Accidents & injuries up (source: NYS DMV)
There were a total of 501 fire apparatus accidents in (Up from 477 in 2010.) 387 persons were injured. (Up from 164 in 2010). There was 1 fatality. (FD passenger)

28 NYS DMV Fire Vehicle Accident Report 2011 Of 280 accidents for which a cause was reported to police (accident not necessarily caused by apparatus driver): The single fatality was the FD driver’s fault (combination of unsafe speed & traffic control disregard) Top human factors cited (72) Failure to yield right of way (67) Driver inattention (22) Passing or lane change improper (22) Following too closely (21) Traffic control disregarded Top environmental factors cited: (17) Obstructed or limited view (15) Slippery pavement Top vehicular factor cited: Oversized vehicle (17) (

29 2011 NYS Ambulance Accidents Accidents unchanged, injuries up 81% (source: NYS DMV)
There were a total of 473 accidents. There were 3 fatalities: 1 amb. passenger, 1 non-amb. driver, and 1 pedestrian 477 persons were injured, up from 263 (Includes EMS responders, patients, those in other vehicles, pedestrians, etc.)

30 NYS DMV Ambulance Accident Report 2011 Of 307 accidents for which a cause was reported to police (accident not necessarily caused by EMS driver): Top human factors cited ( = fatality in group) (78 ) Driver inattention (76  ) Failure to yield right of way (33) Following too closely (27) Traffic control disregarded (25) Passing or lane change improper (15) Unsafe speed Top environmental factors cited: (33) Slippery pavement (33) Animal’s action Top vehicular factors: Defective brakes (5); Oversized vehicle (3)

31 For more information: Firefighter casualty reports page (USFA)
Firefighter Fatalities in the United States (NFPA) Firefighter Injuries in the United States (NFPA) Patterns of Firefighter Fireground Injuries (NFPA) What’s Changed Over the Past 30 Years? (NFPA, 2007)

32 Slides based on: “Firefighter Fatalities in the US ” “FDNY Vital Statistics, 2013 Calendar Year” USFA provisional reports; and statistical reports from NYS DMV & NYS OFPC. Compiled by Diana Robinson & Susan Naylor Thank you, and be safe!


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