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COMMUNICATION SKILLS I November 19 th 2012. Today Topic 7 (education) Speech practice Language tips for speeches Introduction to debate.

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Presentation on theme: "COMMUNICATION SKILLS I November 19 th 2012. Today Topic 7 (education) Speech practice Language tips for speeches Introduction to debate."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMMUNICATION SKILLS I November 19 th 2012

2 Today Topic 7 (education) Speech practice Language tips for speeches Introduction to debate

3 Feedback Was the speech understandable? What was the best part? What could be changed?

4 Language tips for speeches Put the main verb early in the sentence - especially if it is a long sentence. i.e., "When we have all the facts and we have considered all the options, we shall make our decision“ vs. "We shall make our decision, when we have all the facts and we have considered all the options".

5 Language tips for speeches Consider using short sentences or even short phrases - for dramatic effect. i.e., "Failure is not an option.“ "The place is here. The time is now. The prize is great". "Never again", "No excuses".

6 Language tips for speeches Use “striking” adjectives and adverbs i.e., "We face many challenges.“ vs. "We face many exciting challenges.“ "We will work on our problems.“ vs. "We will work energetically on our problems."

7 Language tips for speeches Consider the using rhyme i.e., "We will fight to show that we are right.“ “If you’ve done the crime, you must do the time!”

8 Language tips for speeches Use contrasts i.e., "Politics is war without bloodshed, while war is politics with bloodshed“ (Mao Zedong, 1938). “"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country“ (John F Kennedy, 1961)

9 Language tips for speeches Use three-part lists. i.e., "Government of the people, by the people, and for the people“ (Abraham Lincoln, 1863). "The ultimate case for the third way is that it works - good values, good vision, good policies“ (Bill Clinton, 2002).

10 Language tips for speeches use a redundant, but attention-seeking, short sentence. i.e., ""I say this to you.“ ""Let me be clear."

11 Language tips for speeches KISS (Keep it simple, stupid) - Don’t try to impress with complicated terminology. i.e., "neoclassical endogenous growth theory and a symbiotic relationship between investment in people and infrastructure" Advice: “As a rule, simplicity of language marks superb speeechmaking".

12 Language tips for speeches Use sign-posting (see handout).

13 Speech: 2 nd draft Wednesday by 7:00 p.m. Send to: Subject: speech draft

14 Initiatecontinuation Realizationtremendous Reformrecognizable Anxiousrationale Incentiveacquire

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