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HOW TO REESTABLISH YOUR LINK TO THE REST OF THE WORLD Build it Better Title provided by: Created by: Evan Herreid.

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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO REESTABLISH YOUR LINK TO THE REST OF THE WORLD Build it Better Title provided by: Created by: Evan Herreid."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOW TO REESTABLISH YOUR LINK TO THE REST OF THE WORLD Build it Better Title provided by: Created by: Evan Herreid

2 How do’s How do people see your website ? ?  What is the first thing that pops in your mind? How do people perceive your website?  Are they saying the same things you are?  Do you get positive feedback about your site? How do people find content on your site??  You already know where it is, see how long it takes them to find it. Websites provided by: Websites that SuckWebsites that Suck

3 What to think about Is my site distracting users from what they want??  How busy is the site?  Are there moving parts to your site? Is my site visually appealing??  Are the colors on the page appropriate?  Are there backgrounds on backgrounds? Websites provided by: Websites that SuckWebsites that Suck

4 Things to Consider Organization Basic information Consistency Check your links Color scheme Remove dated material Stick to the basics

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