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UT Libraries Information Literacy Summit June 14th, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "UT Libraries Information Literacy Summit June 14th, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 UT Libraries Information Literacy Summit June 14th, 2013

2 Logistics WiFi network: attwifi Access Code: Schedule: Wiki: 9:45 am - 11:45 am Discussion: Identifying the Gaps 11:45 am - 12:30 pm Lunch 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm Discussion: Bridging the Gaps 3:00 pm - 3:15 pm Snack Break 3:15 pm - 4:00 pm Debrief and Summit Conclusion

3 Corral Your Obstacle(s)! Why? To free ourselves from barriers to our personal goals or development in order to begin the summit with a open mind ready to explore all possibilities! How: Plastic animal + catalog card + rubber band = freedom from frustration (for the day)

4 The Difference Between High School & College Libraries and Research Seat Swap! 2 tables of high school librarians o 5 at each table 1 table of UT librarians Question for all tables: What do you perceive to be the differences between high school and college libraries and research? From each group, select a scribe to compile a list of differences on the large flip charts on each table. When you're done, hang up your page(s) on the closest window or wall.

5 The Difference Between High School & College Libraries and Research Backing up our perceptions with evidence (and putting ourselves in our student's shoes) Contance Mellon's research on Library Anxiety [1986]Library Anxiety o Feelings of being lost stemmed from four causes: (1) the size of the library; (2) a lack of knowledge about where things were located; (3) how to begin, and (4) what to do. Our own First-year student's survey data! "College asks that you evaluate your sources and question them whereas high school only asks that you understand them." "I was scared to ask questions. I didn't want to bother anyone. I also didn't want them to think I was stupid."

6 Seat swap! o 4 tables, 2-3 HS librarians at each table; o 1-2 UT librarians at each table Activity: What and Why: Close reading of syllabus to assess what types of skills the students are expected to have when they come in How: Each table has a different syllabus. Use Worksheet #1 as a guide to work through the information literacy expectations and competencies that are found in first-year college courses. Dissecting first-year university syllabi

7 Lunch!

8 What UT faculty have to say about information literacy & student skills

9 Our Competency Checklist Adapted from Patricia Owen's checklist available at:

10 Addressing the IL Skills Gap Sharing Success Stories What are we currently doing to address the competencies that we've identified through the mornings activities and the combined checklist? [Worksheet #2] Report Out: Pick one high school and one college assignment example to share with the group

11 Addressing the IL Skills Gap Creating a shared assignment/activity Informed by the day's discussion, brainstorm an activity or assignment that addresses a gap within a previously identified competency. [Worksheet #3] Report Out: Each group shares their assignment or activity with the larger groups. You have 7 minutes!

12 Snack Break!

13 Summit Debrief & Conclusion What have we learned from our dialogue today? What will we take back to our respective institutions? What are our wishes for this group? Brief Survey Tell us what you think, what you really really think (adapted from Mary Font)

14 Stay in Touch & Safe Travels! image coutesy flickr user dave_hensleydave_hensley

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