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Turn to ACT 3 Scene 1 in Hamlet  I need volunteer actors to play these roles:  King Claudius  Queen Gertrude  Rosencrantz  Guildenstern  Polonius.

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Presentation on theme: "Turn to ACT 3 Scene 1 in Hamlet  I need volunteer actors to play these roles:  King Claudius  Queen Gertrude  Rosencrantz  Guildenstern  Polonius."— Presentation transcript:


2 Turn to ACT 3 Scene 1 in Hamlet  I need volunteer actors to play these roles:  King Claudius  Queen Gertrude  Rosencrantz  Guildenstern  Polonius  Ophelia  Hamlet

3 TO Be Worksheet  Practice Formalist (New) Criticism and closely read the text – looking for connotations of words especially  DIDLS= Tone …as you read  No Fear Shakespeare… html html

4 Critical Analysis on the scene  Mrs. Bell will read you sections of the critical analysis…  Then we will watch the Branagh version of the scene and evaluate

5 Simpsons’ Hamlet m/4

6 Green Eggs and Hamlet I ask to be, or not to be. That is the question, I ask of me. This sullied life, it makes me shudder. My uncle's boffing dear, sweet mother. Would I, could I take my life? Could I, should I, end this strife? Should I jump out of a plane? Or throw myself before a train? Should I from a cliff just leap? Could I put myself to sleep? Shoot myself, or take some poison? Maybe try self immoloition? To shuffle off this mortal coil, I could stab myself with a fencing foil. Slash my wrists while in the bath? Would it end my angst and wrath? To sleep, to dream, now there's the rub. I could drop a toaster in my tub. Would all be glad, if I were dead? Could I perhaps kill them instead? This line of thought takes consideration – For I'm the king of procrastination.

7 y.html  Write your own parody of the To Be soliloquy – keep with the same rhythm and rhetorical pattern (can even use same phrases)  You will have 10 min to make it as long as you can and then share in your group. Parody of To Be Soliloquy

8 TO Be memorization challenge  You have 5 min to memorize as much of the soliloquy as possible…  Then I will give you the soliloquy with sections missing and see how much you can fill in…  A Prize to the winner!!!

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