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1 Blended by Design: Designing and Developing a Blended Course Veronica Diaz, PhD, Jennifer.

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1 1 Blended by Design: Designing and Developing a Blended Course Veronica Diaz, PhD, Jennifer Strickland, PhD,

2 2 5-Minute University

3 3 Program Overview Format  Hands-on, curriculum (re)design work  Team/individual work  Binder resources   Evaluations Topics  Day 1: Blended learning overview and redesign  Day 2: Course redesign and engagement  Day 3: Assessment, student success and collaboration  Day 4: Academic integrity, copyright, and quality assurance

4 4 Learning Objectives  To understand blended learning  To identify and connect with the blended learning community  To accumulate resources that can be used today and in the future  To learn to use tools to convert into or create a blended course  To design a module and to understand the steps in doing so  To be introduced to the process of integrating technology in a meaningful way that promotes student learning  To understand basic principles in creating a high quality blended learning experience  To understand the implications of teaching in a blended environment

5 5  Facilitators  Participants  Break into pairs  What is your “signature” teaching technique?  Share


7 7 Face-to-Face Course LecturesReadingsActivitiesResearch WritingProjectsDiscussionsDemonstrationsMultimediaCases Assessments Face2FaceBlendOnline

8 8 Getting from A to BGetting from A to B

9 9 What is blended learning? Online The “Blend” Face-to- Face

10 10 The 10 Blended Questions As a Guide Throughout

11 11 Motivation…  A way to meet Net Gen student expectations  Attractive alternative to Face2Face instruction  A good match for the Net Gen’s visual, exploratory, participative learning preferences  Usually more work to design (at least at the beginning), but improved student engagement and achievement  The best of both worlds

12 12 The Optimal Model Teaching Opportunities  Allows for many diverse solutions to course problems  Enables the incorporation of new types of interactive and independent learning activities  Variety of online and in-class teaching strategies  Learn technologies while you learn your material Student Engagement  Potential to increase and extend instructor-student and student- student connectivity  Discussions started in class may be continued online  Students who rarely take part in class discussions are more likely to participate online  Integration of out-of- and in-class activities allows more effective use of traditional class time

13 13  Learned more  Wrote better papers  Performed better on exams  Produced higher quality projects  Were capable of more meaningful discussions on course material  Were better able to master concepts and apply what they have learned  Developed higher-order skills of critical thinking, problem- solving, and the ability to apply theoretical models to real-world data Source: University of Central Florida Data, 2007

14 14 The Sloan Consortium National data reports

15 15 What can it look like?  The National Center for Academic Transformation   Replacement Model Summaries: _all.htm _all.htm  Syllabi review  Anthropology  Nursing  Spanish  Distance Learning

16 16 Blended course examplesBlended course examples  American National Government (UCF) American National Government  Introductory Astronomy (UCB) Introductory Astronomy  Economic Statistics (UIUC) Economic Statistics  General Chemistry (UI) General Chemistry  Intermediate Spanish Transition (UTK) Intermediate Spanish Transition  General Chemistry (UWM) General Chemistry  College Composition (Tallahassee CC) College Composition  Computer Literacy (U of Buffalo, SUNY) Computer Literacy  English Composition (BYU) English Composition  General Psychology (CSU Pomona) General Psychology  Computer Programming (Drexel U) Computer Programming  Elementary Statistics (Penn State U) Elementary Statistics  Introductory Spanish (Portland State U) Introductory Spanish  Elementary Algebra (Riverside CC) Elementary Algebra  Six Innovative Course Redesign Practices Six Innovative Course Redesign Practices

17 17 Activity: Reviewing Blended Courses Individually  Browse as many blended course syllabi as possible  Review the NCAT redesign course examples  What did you observe to be different in the traditional course from the blended course In your Teams  Identify and agree upon unique features and strategies of blended courses  Report out


19 19 Activity: Mapping Your Course, Part I  Handout: Mapping your Course  Map out your face-2-face course from the syllabus and/or other course documents  Identify the chunks in your course via the topics or learning objectives in your syllabus  Select one chunk to work with during the week

20 20 What can be done in the F2F classroom? Your Ideas Our Ideas

21 21 What can be done in the online classroom? Your Ideas Our Ideas

22 22 What is the relationship between these two? Your Ideas Our Ideas

23 23 Bloom’s Taxonomy Focus on learner Focus on measure of learning create evaluate analyze apply understand remember

24 24 Bloom’s Digital TaxonomyBloom’s Digital Taxonomy

25 25 Learning Technology and Blended Learning, Part I  Teaching and Learning with Technology  Learning-with-Technology-Summary Learning-with-Technology-Summary  Blogs  Wikis

26 26 Learning Technology and Blended Learning Blogs, Wikis, and Social Bookmarking

27 27 Blogs A weblog, which is usually referred to as a blog, is a type of website where entries are made (as in a journal or diary) and displayed in reverse chronological order. 27

28 28 Faculty Use of Blogs  Distribute information  Share professional knowledge  Editorialize  Promote/critique events, resources, etc.  Planet Infinity...My K.H.M.S. Math Class -  Internet and Society Blog - m/ m/  Other examples Other examples 28

29 29 Student Use of Blogs Publication Scrutiny Critique Validate Reflection Metacognition Review over time Ponder Conversation Feedback Input Documentation Chronicle Illustrate 29

30 30 Explore and create 30

31 31 What is a Wiki?  A wiki defines a wiki:  wiki/Wiki wiki/Wiki  Some examples:  PB Wiki  WetPaint  Google  Using Wikis in Education  http://www.wikiineducatio http://www.wikiineducatio 31

32 32 PB Wiki Resources  Tutorial on using PB Wiki in an online classroom: EngageYourStudentsWithAnOnlineClassroom/2 008-05-0617.05MeetNow.wmv EngageYourStudentsWithAnOnlineClassroom/2 008-05-0617.05MeetNow.wmv  PB Wiki site for Blended workshop: 32

33 33 Wetpaint Wikis   What you get: ge/Wetpaint- Features?zone=spotlight_2 ge/Wetpaint- Features?zone=spotlight_2  Features and uses: ge/Tell-Me- More?zone=spotlight_1 ge/Tell-Me- More?zone=spotlight_1 33

34 34 Suggested ActivitySuggested Activity  Complete Part I of Mapping your Course for your entire course and select a “chunk” or module for use in the remainder of the learnshop  Take the Is Online Teaching Right For Me? survey at fevaluation.html?s=526.00201492m.0928012120; please review areas for improvement and consider ways to further develop your skills fevaluation.html?s=526.00201492m.0928012120

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