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2-24-13 8:30 pm.  How are you all doing?  Any updates on YOU things???

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Presentation on theme: "2-24-13 8:30 pm.  How are you all doing?  Any updates on YOU things???"— Presentation transcript:

1 2-24-13 8:30 pm

2  How are you all doing?  Any updates on YOU things???

3  Send a text message to 510) 250-3015  @gocssdept

4  But there are times when we do need to get in touch with the counselors and we need to do it ASAP. If you have a student situation that arises that seriously concerns you, you are a mandatory reporter and must report. Email is often times not sufficient so a phone call is better.  If it is during normal school hours, please contact the home school. If it happens during off hours, then you will contact our counselors by phone even though it might not be a full time kid. You can also contact me as well as Gabby Bray. You need to reach someone. Please also ALWAYS call the parent.  If it is a VERY serious life threatening issue and you can NOT get in touch with anyone then you should call 911. Please email me with questions or concerns about this. Here is the protocol that needs to be followed if a situation needs to be referred to a counselor:

5 ◦ Email all accounts for counselor and administrator include all contact numbers you have for the student and parent as well as a discrete description of the concern. If it is easier to forward an email received please do so but be sure to include all contact numbers for the parent. If you have spoken to parent regarding the concern please let us know that as well.

6 ◦ Call counselor on all phones numbers available and leave a message (preference is to actually speak to the counselor) ◦ If you cannot speak to a counselor call an administrator on all contact numbers and leave a message if you cannot get a person.

7 ◦ If you are not able to speak to a counselor or administrator you need to make the call (This is for your protection). Call parent if the concern does not involve the parent. Let parent know that you have received some concerning information and have contacted the counselor and administration. ◦ You do not need to try and offer advice but simply inform the parent of the concern and notify them that the counselor will be contacting the parent as soon as possible.  Tinisha Parker: 404-376-0697  Lindsey Brown: 404-483-7414  Gabby Bray: 404-386-5066

8  Final exams for Mini 3 will be on March 12 th and 13 th —please keep both days clear. You should have gotten the proctor schedule. All Mini 3 teachers will be expected to be on campus for final exams.  After regular testing, US and WH students will take the county post on the computer.  QUESTIONS!

9  We had program students show up to GOC to take the interim in the morning because they looked at the full time widget. Please check to make sure your testing widgets are set with the following release conditions.  I also have a jing on this in our wiki.  w2rBuJn3Kn8Z_wZu7Zj41Kt4cQqM04uv0 w2rBuJn3Kn8Z_wZu7Zj41Kt4cQqM04uv0

10  We have a retake policy at GOC.  Students can reassess and the two scores will be averaged.  Some teachers like to make the reassess a FRQ—others just give another attempt on the test if there is enough of a question bank to make it different.  Students must remediate with you. I usually do this at chat. Let me know if you have any questions.

11  Make sure you are keeping in touch with parents, students, site coordinators, and counselors regarding the progress of students.  This applies to ALL students—credit recovery, FTE, full time, and tuition.  The minimum expectation is every 2 weeks. At the 2 week period, please make sure you phone a parent.  Recommend to parents: Open Labs are on Tuesdays from 2-4 pm. Please make sure you are inviting your students to come see me especially if they are NOT being successful.

12  If you have a full time student who is struggling please reach out to his/her other teachers to make sure everyone is on the same page.  Apparently after the tech issues, teachers were taking very different approaches to getting things back on track which is ok but we just need to be aware of it so the full time kids know we are all talking and then can work the system.

13  Please keep the site coordinators looped in on a student’s progress if they are not being successful and then ask the site coordinator for the counselor’s info.  If you are not having success with the site coordinator, please contact the counselors. We just don’t want to inundate the counselors with a ton of emails and we want to work through the appropriate channels.

14  Please keep a close eye on your seniors in your classes and make sure you are keeping parents and the home school aware of their progress if they are not being successful especially during Mini 4. Parents must be notified before April 1 st if a senior is not on track to graduate.

15  Please check to make sure the eyeball is active for all students in all classes. We are having grade release issues and some students are not able to see their grades. Check this often—we are having eyeball issues.


17  Drop date for credit recovery and tuition students only was this past Thursday.  We can’t drop at the end of term.  Remember that Karen Febles is on medical leave.  FTE can NOT drop!!!!


19  Please post to discussion with students—I am finding I get a whole lot more student posts when I stay on top of that as teacher.  Please look over the teacher expectation checklist and give your class a once over. It is my goal to have all of your evaluations done this week.

20  Please continue to work with students who are still recovering from the tech issues. I have students who were doing great and then dropped off after what happened. They need our support.  Remember also to work with our full time students when they attend a fieldtrip like the one we had on FRIDAY!

21  Please look at the announcements when you log in to the D2L—it goes straight to the TRC and there are always announcements there you need to read.  Make the class your own, have fun with your job at GOC, and know that you are appreciated.

22  Please keep me posted about any concerns or questions you have. Remember to check out the SS wiki—I update it often with new stuff. Also, check out our testing intervention site and share it with your students.  w/page/34982043/FrontPage w/page/34982043/FrontPage  /page/51209578/FrontPage /page/51209578/FrontPage

23  Mini 4 Timeline ◦ Registration ends Friday, 2/22 ◦ OU spreadsheet sent out on 2/21, courses copied the week of 2/25 ◦ SASI upload and contact information Tuesday & Wednesday 2/26 & 2/27 ◦ Teacher assignments due to Dianna by end of the day Tuesday, 2/26 ◦ Email to the kids- Week of March 4 ◦ Call Week of March 11 ◦ Materials Pick Up - 3-5 pm March 14 ◦ First day of class- March 18 ◦ First Science Lab Day- March 19

24 Please let me know your mini 4 intentions ASAP. What class would you like to teach and what is your max student load. Thanks!

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