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Inside Earth Crust What is the outermost layer of the Earth?

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2 Inside Earth

3 Crust What is the outermost layer of the Earth?

4 Seismic Waves When geologists study the Earth’s interior they rely on indirect methods such as _____________?

5 Mantle A layer of hot rock? –A. Crust –B. Inner Core –C. Mantle –D. Outer Core

6 Increases Pressure (Increases or decreases) when you move toward the center of the Earth.

7 Direct evidence Geologists obtain direct evidence about the Earth’s interior by studying _____ a. Looking at the layers of earth b. Sesimic waves c. Rock samples d. Molten metal

8 Inner core What a dense ball of solid metal? –A. Crust –B. Mantle –C. Outer Core –D. Inner Core

9 Crust, mantle, outer core, inner core What are the Earth’s layers? –(starting from the surface)

10 Recording and Studying Seismic Waves Geologists obtain indirect evidence about the Earth’s interior by: –a. Looking at the layers –b. recording and studying Seismic Waves –c. Studying rock samples –D. Going to the earth

11 Heat Transfer When you touch something on the stove, the energy that moves from the stove to your hand is called _______? –A. radiation –B. Conduction –C. Heat Transfer –D. Convection currents

12 Rock Samples When geologists study the Earth’s interior they rely on direct methods such as _____________?

13 Radiation What is the transfer of energy through empty space? –A.Conduction –B. Heat Transfer –C. Radiation –D. Convection Currents

14 The Sun What is an example of radiation?

15 Convection Currents What is the transfer of heat within a fluid? –A.Conduction –B. Heat Transfer –C. Radiation –D. Convection Currents

16 Mantle What is the layer of hot rock called? –A. Inner Core –B. Outer Core –C. Crust –D. Mantle

17 Fossils What are traces of ancient organisms preserved in rocks

18 Layers The Earth’s interior is made up of several ______________ –B. Outer Core –C. Mantle –D. Crust

19 Outer Core Earth’s magnetic field results from movements in the –A. Inner Core –B. Outer Core –C. Mantle –D. Crust

20 The continents were once joined together in a single landmass Alfred Wegener’s hypothesis of continental drift was ______ –A. Inner Core is very hot –B. There are many layers of the Earth –C. The continents were once joined together in a single landmass –D. The earth is shrinking

21 Pangaea The name of the supercontinent that existed millions of years ago is called __________. –A. Continental Drift –B. Pangaea –C. Wegener Drift –D. Conduction

22 Landforms, fossils, climate What type of evidence was used by Alfred Wegener? –(List the three types)

23 Sonar What technology did scientists use to map the mid ocean ridge? –A. Sonar –B. Satellites –C. Submarines –D. Smoke signals

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