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Libraries are Changing Keeping Up, Being Successful Woodland Hills School District 2.13.09.

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Presentation on theme: "Libraries are Changing Keeping Up, Being Successful Woodland Hills School District 2.13.09."— Presentation transcript:

1 Libraries are Changing Keeping Up, Being Successful Woodland Hills School District 2.13.09

2 Libraries are Changing 1. Significant Library Shifts 2. Maximize Student Learning

3 Libraries are Changing Technology and Change is Constant –The “Pace of Change” is accelerating. Book Helpdesk - video

4 Libraries are Changing Technology and Change is Constant –The “Pace of Change” is accelerating. Shift Happens – video YouTube – ShiftHappensYouTube – ShiftHappens

5 Libraries are Changing Gradual Shift in Format From Print to Digital Time – The World is 24/7 Digital Natives - Our Kids are Changing Too Achievement and Engagement Matters

6 Formats Shift: Print to Digital

7 Audio Cassette to CD/DVD

8 Online Content

9 Online = Sharing

10 Downloadable Content

11 Card Catalogs

12 OPAC Online Public Access Catalog


14 Time Crunch – The World is 24/7 Communicate – Anytime

15 Time Crunch Communicate – Anywhere

16 Time Crunch Working with Teachers/Students: Written and phone communication Replaced by email and voice mail Paper based learning records Being replaced by online systems

17 Time Crunch The world operates 24/7, anytime, anywhere Libraries have been slow to adopt

18 Digital Natives A New Generation of Students –Short attention span –Multitasking with limited focusing ability –Require highly visual content Video - Digital Natives A Vision of K-12 Students Today

19 Web As Platform Social Networking –Links people to people and people to libraries New Online Based Software and Tools –Free, easy to use, always updated software –Word processing, spreadsheets, calendars… Shift to Open Courseware –Textbooks linked to online content –Free teacher vetted courses and content

20 Social Networking Social Networking Websites: –Personally authored and interlinked websites Myspace, Friendster, LinkdIn, Youtube Blogs – personal interactive journals –Teachers, librarians and students Wikis – online collaborative websites –Teachers, librarians and students

21 Achievement + Engagement Matters We are a highly competitive culture Standardized test scores are here to stay –Test scores create competition between and act as a scorecard for schools and districts –Know the results of state standardized tests and the AYP (Adequate Yearly Performance) results

22 Achievement + Engagement Matters For School Libraries: –Positively influencing achievement is critical –Documenting the Library’s impact on the student achievement is essential – Evidence Based Practice

23 Achievement + Engagement Matters School Libraries Work! – Scientific Research –16 States – School Libraries Improve Achievement –PA: Lance, Curry research results: A “strong” school library program improves the PSSA Reading test score by between 10 – 15 points.

24 Engagement Matters For Public Libraries: –Customer satisfaction and customer service levels are beginning to be measured and compared –Library’s role as “community center” returns –Library supports: family and early literacy, student learning, adult lifelong learning, ESL and “Boomers” –Getting customers emotionally “engaged” in their experience with the library is critical

25 Engagement Matters For Public Libraries: –A struggling economy threatens library funding –A struggling economy increases library usage –Community members will be looking for: new jobs, better jobs, health/medical information, borrowing books and materials vs. buying/renting, family friendly entertainment and learning,

26 Keeping Libraries Relevant Full Page Text is Dead Kids Still Want to Read Books Achievement and Learning Matter Collaboration: Support Improved Relationships New Library “Intelligence” Gathering Other Ideas

27 Maximize Learning Full page, black/white text is “dead”

28 Maximize Learning Kids still want to read books –75% of kids age 5-17 agree with the statement, “No matter what I can do online, I’ll always want to read books printed on paper,”

29 Maximize Learning Kids still want to read books –Kids want to read exciting, visually engaging books

30 Maximize Learning Achievement and Learning Matter Research and learning projects still require authoritative + compelling “content” = books. –Highlight: terrific visual style, Further Reading, Websites, Other Sources, etc… –This “extra value” content is their starting point –Integrate the use of the great content materials into the new learning tools that kids want to use: blogs, wikis, etc…

31 Maximize Learning Achievement and Learning Matter –Know the State Standards: PA Dept of Ed website or Librarians Toolkit website –Link books and online resources to the curriculum

32 Maximize Learning Achievement and Learning Matter –Digital Native Students Need 21 st Century Information Literacy Skills –Not Information Gathering – Teach Information Relevance and Critical Thinking Skills –Use Student Learning Tools: blogs, wikis, video…

33 Maximize Learning Achievement and Learning Matter Partnership for 21st Century Skills

34 Maximize Learning Achievement and Learning Matter –Student Learning Tools: blogs, wikis, video… –Students must have open access to these tools

35 Maximize Learning Achievement and Learning Matter –Student Learning Tools: blogs, wikis, video…

36 Maximize Learning Collaboration: Means Improved Relationships –Become embedded in curriculum process New curriculum development One on one with teachers and lesson planning –Be a part of the Learning Improvement process: new Reading Programs, textbooks, scheduling… –Entire district Library staff – work together –Integrate library services into “special” areas: learning support, reading intervention, etc… –Cultivate community learning partnerships

37 Maximize Learning Library “Intelligence” Gathering –Attend conferences, professional development seminars, local learning situations –Check other school and public library websites –Library and librarian blogs hold key program information and new ideas. –Participate in online learning programs like:

38 Maximize Learning

39 Maximize Learning Summary –Students, Information and the World is Changing –The Learning Process must Adapt to Reflect Individual Students Learning Needs –The Library Must Become Embedded Into All Aspects of the Learning Process

40 New Paradigm

41 Inquiry Based Learning Video - School 2.0 Creating The Schools We Need IgnitePhilly -- Five Minutes To Communicate - Practical Theory Chris Lehmann: Principal of the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia, PAScience Leadership Academy

42 The Library Challenge Group Discussion: –What is “your” Next Step?

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