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Washington, DC The Nation’s Capitol Washington, DC important to all Americans including YOU! Why is it important?

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2 Washington, DC The Nation’s Capitol

3 Washington, DC important to all Americans including YOU! Why is it important?

4 You live in Washington, DC!! That is 1 reason it is important to YOU!

5 Washington DC was formed to keep the nation’s capital separate from all the states.

6 Washington D.C. was named after two people.

7 Washington came from the 1 st President of the United Sates George Washington.

8 The District of Columbia came from the Christopher Columbus who was one of the first known people to explore North America and South America.

9 DC is the center of the national government. The President lives and works here. Who is the President and where does he live?

10 Representatives from ALL 50 states come here to represent their state when they make Laws or rules for us.

11 There are judges that make sure the laws are carried out for all the states here too.

12 Since we live in DC there are a few things we should know….

13 The DC Flag

14 The Mayor of DC

15 What are some other important facts to know about DC? What are some important things that happen in DC? What are some important locations?

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