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Functional Skills Support Programme OfQual Functional Skills Qualifications Criteria – Issued November 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Functional Skills Support Programme OfQual Functional Skills Qualifications Criteria – Issued November 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Functional Skills Support Programme OfQual Functional Skills Qualifications Criteria – Issued November 2009

2 Functional Skills Support Programme Regulatory Criteria Consist of five documents: Functional Skills qualifications criteria Functional Skills criteria for English Functional Skills criteria for mathematics Functional Skills criteria for ICT Controlled assessment regulations for functional skills: Entry 1, Entry, Entry 3 in English mathematics and ICT. English speaking, listening and communication at Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3 and level 1 and level 2

3 Functional Skills Support Programme Purposes of Criteria Provide the Functional Skills standards for use by all from 2010 Set out the criteria for assessment design, duration, levels of control, quality assurance arrangements, certification and reporting for Awarding Organisations Provide guidance on inclusivity and accessibility for all potential functional skills candidates

4 Functional Skills Support Programme Key themes within the criteria Increased accessibility and inclusivity by: adding ‘communication’ to the Speaking and Listening component of English BSL is acceptable form of communication Text can include Braille for reading and writing Assistive technologies may be used Exemptions may be issued for English components Similar format and structure across the three subjects

5 Functional Skills Support Programme Key themes – standards English – some reduction in examples; some repetition reduced; some requirements removed e.g. use of images or diagrams; texts no longer referred to as ‘on paper and on screen’ Mathematics – process skills more clearly matched to skill standards and coverage and range; general reduction in repeated text; greater clarity in text ICT – first component now ‘Using ICT’; numbering removed; some reduction in content of coverage and range; examples removed

6 Functional Skills Support Programme English standards Speaking and Listening component is now called Speaking, Listening and Communication Set out level by level, rather than by component Removal of ‘on paper and on screen’ in reading and writing

7 Functional Skills Support Programme Assessments must  be set within realistic contexts, scenarios and problems  focus on functionality  specify tasks that are relevant to the context  require application of knowledge, skills and understanding for a purpose

8 Functional Skills Support Programme Assessments must  require problem solving  assess process skills and the outcome of their application in different contexts  have mark allocations (except English, Speaking, Listening and Communication)

9 Functional Skills Support Programme Assessment – must be task based Open response questions – largely required  Task-based assessment based on real-life contexts  Requires candidates to apply skills, knowledge and understanding in order to resolve problem/s or produce effective outcome/s

10 Functional Skills Support Programme Assessment – must be task based  Purposeful tasks and problems embedded in realistic scenarios  Does not prescribe the process/es or method/s by which the candidate responds.  Process skills are a key focus.

11 Functional Skills Support Programme Assessment levels Are determined by the interacting factors:  complexity of situations and activities  technical demand  candidate's level of familiarity with the task or activity  level of independence required of the candidate.

12 Functional Skills Support Programme Assessments - Language  must be straightforward and direct  must be accessible to learners operating at least a level below that of the assessable content (except for English)  Technical language essential to the skill area at the level being assessed is permitted

13 Functional Skills Support Programme Entry levels 1, 2 and 3  Assessment externally specified by the awarding organisation  Internally marked  Assessments at Entry levels can be internally contextualised and/or adapted according to the controlled assessment regulations  One assessment only for mathematics and ICT  Duration – English 1-2 hours; mathematics 1-11/2 hours; ICT – 1-2 hours

14 Functional Skills Support Programme Levels 1 and 2 Assessment must be:  externally set by the awarding organisation  externally marked by the awarding organisation (except Functional Skills English component speaking, listening and communication.) Duration – English 2-3 hours; mathematics 11/2-2 hours; ICT – 2-3 hours

15 Functional Skills Support Programme English Assessment weightings At levels 1 and 2 – Speaking, Listening and Communication must be 100% open response Reading must be at least 50% open response Writing must be 100% open response When assessing writing, 40 - 45% of marks must be allocated for spelling, punctuation and grammar

16 Functional Skills Support Programme English – speaking, listening and communication  Sign language permitted but must be accessible to all participants in the discussion & must be the candidate's normal way of communicating  No other languages permitted as alternatives  Can use augmentative speech equipment and such software  Communication cannot depend solely on writing and/or reading

17 Functional Skills Support Programme English - reading  Text = the use of words that are written, printed, on screen or presented using Braille.  Candidates who are classed as disabled under the DDA can use assistive technology.  A human reader cannot be used.  As a last resort, exemption from the reading requirements can be requested for candidates with disabilities who cannot use assistive technology.

18 Functional Skills Support Programme English - writing  Text = written, printed, on screen or Braille.  Candidates who are classed as disabled under the DDA can use assistive technology  A human scribe cannot be used  As a last resort, exemption from the writing requirements can be requested for candidates with disabilities who cannot use assistive technology.

19 Functional Skills Support Programme English – assessment of components  Separate reporting of achievement across the three components within the qualification.  Formal statement of results indicating the levels achieved for the separate components.  Compensation across components is not permitted – each is equally weighted.

20 Functional Skills Support Programme English – assessment of components  Where no exemption has been granted, candidates must pass all three components to be awarded the qualification. Candidates will be awarded the qualification at the level of the lowest component achieved.  Awarding organisations must recognise, in exceptional cases, achievement of any Functional Skills English component issued by another awarding organisation.

21 Functional Skills Support Programme Mathematics & ICT Assessments Candidates can have access to all forms of equipment and software that constitute their normal way of working, provided that these do not affect the reliability or validity of assessment outcomes or give the learner an assessment advantage over other learners.

22 Functional Skills Support Programme Mathematics Assessments Weighting for each of the three process skills – Representing, Analysing, Interpreting is 30 – 40% Assessments must be at least 75% open response Calculators are permitted

23 Functional Skills Support Programme Mathematics - Inclusion The following are allowed  Readers  Scribes  Practical Assistants  Word Processors  Transcripts  BSL interpreters  Oral language modifiers  Modified question papers (including Braille)  Extra Time  Models, visual/tactile aids, speaking scales

24 Functional Skills Support Programme ICT Assessments Weighting for the three ICT components – Using ICT is 20 – 30% Finding and selecting information is 10 – 20% Developing, presenting and communicating information is 50 – 70% Assessments must be at least 80% open response Must focus on functionality and the three interrelated skill areas

25 Functional Skills Support Programme ICT - Inclusion The following are allowed  Readers  Scribes  Practical Assistants - may switch on the computer and insert a disk at candidate's instruction but must not perform any skill for which marks are credited. Assistants can be used in written assessments.  Word Processors  Transcripts  BSL interpreters  Oral language modifiers  Modified question papers (including Braille)  Extra Time  External device to load personal settings permitted provided this does not compromise the assessment or give an advantage

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