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Why study Geography? Geography helps young people to understand their own lives in an ever changing world and question vital issues such as climate change.

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Presentation on theme: "Why study Geography? Geography helps young people to understand their own lives in an ever changing world and question vital issues such as climate change."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why study Geography? Geography helps young people to understand their own lives in an ever changing world and question vital issues such as climate change and eradication of poverty. Geography helps young people with social and environmental responsibility. Geography helps young people to develop skills that can be used in school, at home and in the work place.

2 What is The Geographical Association? The Geographical Association is the professional body set up for teachers and students of Geography. The Geographical Association promotes, supports and develops teaching and learning across the whole country. What does the Bristol branch of the Geographical Association do? The Bristol branch of the GA is one of the oldest,most active and successful branches in the whole country. The annual programme supports GCSE, A level Geography students and teachers.

3 The Bristol Branch Programme for 2009 -2010 Geographical Association Evening Lectures: These are held at the Peel Lecture Theatre at the University of Bristol at 7.30pm Tuesday 15th September Garry Atterton Are the Venetian blind to flood prevention and protection? Plus brief talk about Geography at University and the admissions process Wednesday 14th October Professor Stephen Sparks from the University of Bristol The Montserrat Volcano Thursday 12th November Dr. Alan Terry from the University of the West of England How can development be measured? Tuesday 8th December Chad Staddon from the University of the West of England The global distribution of water resources and the predicted impacts of climate change. World Wise Quiz for GCSE students Tuesday 17 th November 6.30 - 8.00 Location : QEH School.

4 The Bristol Branch Programme for 2009 -2010 SPRING TERM 2010 Sixth Form Conference – University of Bristol including 3 lectures on The Energy Crisis at a international. regional and local level. Including a key lecture to provide context for the Sixth form competition. Wednesday 10 February 1.30- 4.00pm Sixth Form Competition – A barrage of decisions about future energy in Severnside Tuesday 2 March 6.00-9.00pm : The School of Geographical Sciences at the University of Bristol

5 What is an Annual General Meeting? The AGM is where an elected committee of members summarise the work completed from the previous year. The following committee members offer reports at the AGM: The President The Treasurer The Secretary

6 The Presidents Report As president of The Bristol branch of The Geographical Association I am happy to report that 2008 -2009 was another very successful year for the group. Highlights include the thought provoking lecture on the Geography of Aids by Hazel Barrett and the sixth competition Where are we going to house 100,000 new Bristolians? and won by Cotham sixth form. Many thanks to the committee who make my role very easy. Particular thanks to Janet Lee as secretary and Chris Spencer as treasurer an membership secretary, Tony Hoare for the University of Bristol links and Gail Holliday for organising the worldwide quiz. Last year a long servibg mmebr of the group Alison Bailey resigned. Many thanks to Alison for her 20 plus years service. Garry Atterton September 2009

7 Bristol Branch of the Geographical Association : Accounts and Membership 2008/09 08/09 we had approx. 75 members registered and paid, a significant drop from the year before….(some being chased for memberships fees from last year!).08/09 we had approx. 75 members registered and paid, a significant drop from the year before….(some being chased for memberships fees from last year!). Income428.40 Expenditure662.97 Balance 07/08- £234.57 Account balance 01.09.2008+ £916.56 Chris Spencer September 2009

8 And finally… The present committee wish to stand again as a group. We need a proposer and a seconder to take the present committee into 2009 -2010 President: Garry Atterton Secretary: Janet Lee Treasurer and membership secretary: Chris Spencer Other ( very important) members are Tony Hoare, Gail Holliday, Jenny Hill, Wendy Woodland, Simon Killen, Keith Crabtree, Fiona Hallworth and Rosemary Routledge

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