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GIS IN GEOLOGY Miloš Marjanović Lesson 4 21.10.2010.

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Presentation on theme: "GIS IN GEOLOGY Miloš Marjanović Lesson 4 21.10.2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 GIS IN GEOLOGY Miloš Marjanović Lesson 4 21.10.2010.

2 GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)  Introduction to landslides and landslide risk assessment  Case studies: Landslide susceptibility analysis on Fruška Gora Mountain, Serbia example of GIS application in Engineering Geology  Methods applied: − Raster modeling − Multi-criteria analysis − Entropy model − Statistical analisis  Data resources: − Topographic map 1: 50 000 (1: 5000 for the second case study) − Digital geological map 1: 50 000 (1: 5000 for the second case study) − Satellite imagery LANDSAT TM 7 − Hydrometeorological data  Accent on analytical potential of GIS environment in basic landslide assessment

3 Contouring and surface modeling Geostatistics Desktop and Web publishing Desktop mapping Artificial Intelligence(AI) Database Management Systems (DBMS) General statistics Spread- sheets Image Processing (IP) Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) Geographic Information System (GIS) GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)

4 Geological HazardsClimatic HazardsEnvironmental Hazards Special types Earthquakes Tsunamis Volcanic eruptions Landslides Tropical storms Floods Droughts Pollution Deforestation Desertification Pest infestation Epidemics Industrial & chemical accidents GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)  Natural “hazards”

5  Landslide phenomena – theoretical background  Definition  Typology  Slides  Falls  Topplings  Flows  Lateral spreads GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)

6  Landslide phenomena – theoretical background  Classification by velocity:  High  Medium  Low GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)

7  Landslide phenomena – theoretical background  Genesis and factors:  Predisposition factors:  Geological – Geo-mechanical weak & sensitive materials, sheared materials, weathered materials, fissured and jointed or inconvenient by other structural entity, contrast in permeability (heterogeneous materials), contrast in deformability…  Morphological  Triggering factors:  Increase of shear stress: erosion/excavation at the toe, loading at the crown, earthquake, rockfall  Decrease in strength: rainfall/meltdown/leakage, cyclic loading, Phys-Chemical changes  Combination: earthquake + liquefaction, vegetation removal… GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)

8  Landslide phenomena – theoretical background  Stage of activity GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)

9  Landslide Qualitative Risk Assessment terminology:  Susceptibility (S): intensity classification, volume/area and spatial distribution of existing or potential landslides  Hazard (H): spatial (Ps) and temporal (Pt) probability of landslide occurrence over an area in a given time sequence  Vulnerability (V): measure of exposure to adverse phenomena (0-100%)  Element at risk (ER): population and constructions (buildings, infrastructural objects) measured in units (#, $)  Risk (R): probability and severity for adverse phenomena to take effect ER H=WPs·WPt·SR=H·V(ER) GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)


11  Landslide risk framework – from analysis to management GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)

12  Management has to deal with:  Scientific uncertainty  Acceptable and tolerable risk ($, # of casualties)  General risk (not only landslides)  Territory issue  Science vs. decision GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)

13  models of the past  uncertainty  time-consuming  terminology  success  problems scientist  models of the future  decision  immediate action  common or regulation language  limitations  solutions decision maker GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)


15  Inventory (location, volume/area, travel distance)  Susceptibility zoning  Heuristic (basic)  Statistical: univariate, bivariate (weights of evidence, information value, frequency ratio), multivariate (discriminant, regression, Likelihood ratio cluster analysis, AI)  Deterministic  Hazard – frequency analysis  Probabilistic based on the historical data on landslides, data on landslide triggers, dendrochronology, lichenometry  Modeling the primary variable (the triggering variable)  Risk  Appending the individual, societal, and economic risk analysis GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)

16  Case study: Fruška Gora Mountain, Serbia GIS in Landslide assessment (basic) study area acc. 40 km 2 landslide occurrences

17  Case study: Fruška Gora Mountain, Serbia GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)

18  Scale and level selection: mid-scale of1:50 000 (in accordance to resources), preliminary zonation  Classification selection: for landslides according to Varnes et al. only slide movements, for susceptibility classes own system is developed  Method selection: heuristic – multi-criteria analysis  Input data type and region type selection: raster, pixel GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)

19  Overlaying and spatial analysis are easily feasible over referenced layers  Classification could be adjusted in bigger detail  The exporting to ASCII format provides excellent communication with GIS-coupled engines (for different modules generation, as well as for the machine learning algorithms) Pros for raster data type  Bulky and demanding in terms of memory capacity, and processing speed Cons for raster data type GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)

20  Multi-criteria analysis GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)

21  Geo-parameters modeling  Elevation (P e )  suggesting the concept of Ep  derived from DEM  reclassified into 4 classes  normalized DN norm =(DN – DN min )/(DN max – DN min ) GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)

22  Geo-parameters modeling  Slope angle (P s )  suggesting the physical relation  derived from DEM  reclassified into 4 classes (5 degrees intervals)  normalized GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)

23  Geo-parameters modeling  Aspect (P a )  suggesting the influence of moisture content, soil thickness  derived from DEM  reclassified into 4 classes (SE, SW, NE, NW)  weighted and normalized GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)

24  Geo-parameters modeling  Distance from streams (P ds )  suggesting the influence of the linear erosion pattern  buffered from drainage network vector  filtered for the erosional preference  reclassified into 4 intervals  normalized GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)

25  Geo-parameters modeling  Vegetation cover (P v )  suggesting the influence of root system on the slope stability  mapped by NDVI by using 3,4 Landsat 7 TM chanel, due to chlorophyll spectra authenticy  reclassified into 2 classes  normalized GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)

26  Geo-parameters modeling  Lithological composition (P l )  suggesting different stability conditions in different materials  digitized and simplified after geological map 1:50 000  weighted  reclassified into 4 classis a-alluvions b-loess sediment c-calcareous sediments d-clayey soils  normalized GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)

27  Geo-parameters modeling  Rainfall (P r )  suggesting the moist distribution governed by heavy rains  interpolated from sample point data set (tables from HMSS) by normal kriging with fitted parameters (sill/nugget)  reclassified into 4 classes  normalized GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)

28  Computing the weights of influence of geo-parameters  Analytical Hierarchy Process  Pair-wise matrix Comparing relative weights of influence of geo-parameters against each other and summing the columns  Eigenvector matrix Normalizing all members of the first matrix by the column sum and averaging the values by rows. The last column gives eigenvector – weights distribution function  GIS environment uses eigenvector to calculate the susceptibility raster map GIS in Engineering Geology

29  Computing the weights of influence of geo-parameters S = 0,29 ⋅ P l +0,27 ⋅ P s +0,15 ⋅ P r + 0,14 ⋅ P ds +0,08 ⋅ P v + 0,05 ⋅ P e +0,02 ⋅ P a GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)

30  Calibration of classes  Entropy model optimal increase of information gain at 4 – 9 classes  Calibration using geomorphological reference map optimal error at 4 class intervals GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)

31  Final output map as an interpretation of landslide susceptibility  Susceptibility map 1. lowest zone 2. mild zone 3. moderate zone 4. highest zone GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)

32  Purpose:  Regional planning  Preliminary assessment for further detailed analysis  Base for hazard and risk mapping GIS in Landslide assessment (basic)

33 GIS IN GEOLOGY Miloš Marjanović Exercise 4 4.11.2010.

34 Exercise 4 – AHP-GIS extension




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