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E-learning Design & Development Models EdTech101.

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1 E-learning Design & Development Models EdTech101

2 1. A systems approach to ID ID: Instructional Design ID is defined as a systematic method to plan, develop, evaluate and manage the instructional process effectively so that it will ensure competent performance by students Kemp, Morrison and Ross (1994; 2006)

3 Kemp, Morrison & Ross model (2006) 1. A systems approach to ID

4 Constructivistic ID 2. Alternative approaches to ID 1) Merrills five principles of ID (2007) Learning is promoted when: 1.learners are engaged in solving real-world problems. 2.existing knowledge is activated as a foundation for new knowledge. 3. new knowledge is demonstrated to the learner. 4. new knowledge is applied by the learner. 5. new knowledge is integrated into the learners world

5 Constructivistic ID 2. Alternative approaches to ID 2) Rapid prototyping (Gros "Generally, rapid prototyping models involve learners and/or subject matter experts (SMEs) interacting with prototypes and instructional designers in a continuous review/revision cycle. Developing a prototype is practically the first step, while front-end analysis is generally reduced or converted into an on-going, interactive process between subject-matter, objectives, and materials " (Thiagi, 1999

6 Constructivistic ID 2. Alternative approaches to ID 3) Problem-based learning (PBL) design Context design (Task, Resources, Support) Implementation design (Guidelines, Assessment, Outcomes, ICT uses)

7 Constructivistic ID 2. Alternative approaches to ID 4) Goal-based scenario (GBS) design 6 steps (Shank) 1. Identify a set of target skills 2. Develop Missions which require the target skills 3. Choose a Focus 4. Create a Cover Story which envelops the Mission 5. Plan the Operations 6. Build learning environments to support the target skills

8 Constructivistic ID 2. Alternative approaches to ID 5) Competency-based learning (CBL) design CBL targets crucial knowledge, skills and attitudes that directly contribute to an individuals and organizations goals.

9 How to identify competencies Todays Agenda What is competency? A competency development model Activities (Defining job, Identifying competencies, Elaborating/categorizing competencies)

10 1.There are many different ways of designing/developing training/learning environment. - A systems approach to instructional design (ID) - Problem-based learning design - Rapid prototyping so on We are interested in competency-based learning design!

11 2.What is competency? The knowledge, skill, or characteristic required to effectively perform a role in an organization (Lucia & Lepsinger, 1999) Knowledge, attitudes, or skills that define the core abilities required for successful performance in a given job (Parry, 1998) A set of related knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable an individual to effectively perform the activities of a given job function to the standards expected in employment (International Board of Standards for Training, Performance and Instruction/ibstpi, 2004)

12 2.How can we identify/organize competencies? We will follow the ibstpi competency development model Phase 1 : (a well defined job) Phase 2 : (competencies) Phase 3 : (elaborate, categorize)

13 Phase 1 : (a well defined job) identifying 1) current practice, 2) expected standards of performance, 3) ethics and values, and 4) a vision of future Phase 2 : (competencies) identifying and validating the knowledge, skill, and attitudes associated with competent performance Phase 3 : developing more detailed performance statements and clustering them (Domains, competencies, performance statements)

14 Domains - a cluster of related competencies (e.g. Professional foundations) Competencies (e.g. Communicate effectively; Update and improve professional knowledge and skills…) Performance statements (e.g. Use language appropriate to the audience, context and culture)

15 DomainsCompetenciesPerformance Statements 1. Professional foundations Communicate effectively 1. Use language appropriate to the audience, context and culture 2. 3. Update and improve professional knowledge and skills 2.

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