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Kensington Vision Mersey Broadband STRAND 1. Kensington Vision £800,000 project funding 4th January 2005 7 person team Community content.

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Presentation on theme: "Kensington Vision Mersey Broadband STRAND 1. Kensington Vision £800,000 project funding 4th January 2005 7 person team Community content."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kensington Vision Mersey Broadband STRAND 1

2 Kensington Vision £800,000 project funding 4th January 2005 7 person team Community content

3 Kensington Vision - objectives Engaging with regeneration partnerships Online services Business start up Develop Digital TV channel

4 Kensington Vision £80,000 digital kit resource Intuitive Content Management System Use of existing technologies BT as technology partner

5 Kensington Vision - Philosophies Dual delivery Web and STB Community set agenda Training & knowledge share Entertainment and services Kit for the community

6 Kensington Vision - STB Engaging with regeneration partnerships Online services Business start up Develop Digital TV channel

7 Kensington Vision 19 regeneration partnerships assisted 4 online services created 2 businesses created 252 residents trained in content production

8 Kensington Vision 143 individual sites 1100 Viewers per month 268 videos on KV

9 Kensington Vision – next phase Second community Linking directly to existing provisions Social Enterprise Service creation (R & D)

10 Kensington Vision 19 regeneration partnerships assisted 4 online services created 2 businesses created 212 residents trained in content production CV Networking

11 Kensington Vision 19 regeneration partnerships assisted 4 online services created 2 businesses created 212 residents trained in content production Geo tagging

12 Kensington Vision 59 individual sites 997 viewers per month 160 Broadband connections 208 videos on KV Geo tagging

13 Kensington Vision 59 individual sites 997 viewers per month 160 Broadband connections 208 videos on KV Video Blog - editor

14 59 individual sites 997 viewers per month 160 Broadband connections 208 videos on KV Video Blog – site view

15 59 individual sites 997 viewers per month 160 Broadband connections 208 videos on KV WebTV – look and feel

16 KEY ACTIVITIES / OUTPUTS ACTIVITY / OUTPUTOUTPUTS PROFILEDOUTPUTS ACTUAL Jobs created77 Services created22 Regeneration partnerships assisted 44 Business created22

17 BEST EXAMPLE OF SUPPORT CASE STUDY Regeneration partnership Gears Residents Association Residents created Soap Opera Training in script writing / video production Gears producing more content Sharing skills with other community groups

18 BEST EXAMPLE OF SUPPORT CASE STUDY Business created PR promotions Received training through KLRC Proposal for School Idol Set up PR Promotions

19 LESSONS LEARNED FROM YEAR 1 More focus groups Explore business community Work with key community players Don’t start 9 months late

20 HOW COULD SRAND ONE ASSIST OTHER STRANDS? Introduce strands to local business forums Kensington vision as user testing environment Potential marketing opportunities Information library

21 HOW COULD OTHER STRANDS ASSIST STRAND ONE? Assist in exploring potential service ideas Help set up business focus groups Knowledge of innovative broadband applications, CCTV etc Marketing. Especially to broadcast Other communities for post pilot roll out

22 HOW WE WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE PROJECT DEVELOP AFTER THE CORE FUNDING HAS CEASED Project to move into other districts Social enterprise in Kensington More Funding to approach sustainable model Additional services created CCTV, Online banking,

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