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CT Disability Connections, LLC Presents The Connecticut State Special Education Individual Education Plan (IEP) “A Tutorial” © 2009 CT Disabilities Connections,

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Presentation on theme: "CT Disability Connections, LLC Presents The Connecticut State Special Education Individual Education Plan (IEP) “A Tutorial” © 2009 CT Disabilities Connections,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CT Disability Connections, LLC Presents The Connecticut State Special Education Individual Education Plan (IEP) “A Tutorial” © 2009 CT Disabilities Connections, LLC All rights reserved

2 IEP Page 1 – PPT Cover Page IEP Page 2 – List of Recommendations and PPT Meeting Summary IEP Page 3 – Prior Written Notice © 2009 CT Disabilities Connections, LLC All rights reserved This Slide Show will Review the following Pages

3 This slide presentation is designed to be an animated tutorial that will explain the information on each page of the Connecticut IEP. This presentation has been divided into smaller sections for easier viewing. This section (IEP Pages 1 – 3) has 16 slides that will take approximately 5 - 10 minutes to complete. It is recommended that you have a copy of your child’s IEP to follow along and take notes. If you don’t have it, you can download a free copy from the Connecticut State Department of Education: Bureau of Special Education website Click on “Special Education” and look for the “Planning and Placement Team Packet: Includes IEP” link and print your copy. The Connecticut IEP Form Tutorial © 2009 CT Disabilities Connections, LLC All rights reserved

4 Connecticut IEP Form Page 1: PPT Cover Page © 2009 CT Disabilities Connections, LLC All rights reserved

5 General Information: Page One Outlines: Demographic Information – Name and address of Student and Parents/Guardian Purpose of the PPT meeting – Planning Placement Team A list of PPT members attending the meeting Eligibility Determination Amendment to an IEP Pages 1,2, and 3 are designed to stand alone if the purpose of the PPT meeting is other than to develop or revised an IEP. These pages can serve as the record of the meeting and can be used to provide parents with “Prior Written Notice” of the outcome of the meeting. Conversely, if an IEP is being developed or revised, these pages can be attached to the IEP to provide all required information relative to the development of the document. If by mutual consent of the parents and district, an IEP is being amended, pages 1,2,3 and supportive documentation will serve as a record of the agree upon changes. © 2009 CT Disabilities Connections, LLC All rights reserved

6 The IEP is a contract between parents/guardians and the school district: –Fiction. A contract requires all parties to agree to its terms which are protected under contract law. This is not the case with an IEP. An IEP can be implemented without the consent of the parents/guardians. IDEA does not require all parties to agree to the document’s content. Parental signatures on the coversheet confirm their agreement with the IEP content: –Fiction. The coversheet also functions as an attendance sheet, which all parties must sign. Therefore, signing the document does not indicate that you agree to its content. An IEP is a legal document: -Fact: Under IDEA, the District must clearly outline the recommendations and accommodations agreed to by the Planning and Placement Team on the appropriate pages. IEP Fact or Fiction? © 2009 CT Disabilities Connections, LLC All rights reserved

7 Demographic Information – Name and address of student and parents/guardian, gender, race etc. Purpose of the PPT meeting – Planning Placement Team Why are you there? Eligibility Determination – What is the student’s primary disability? “Team Members Present” is the attendance list of people participating in the meeting. Signing this document does not imply approval of its content. © 2009 CT Disabilities Connections, LLC All rights reserved

8 Definitions and Other Important Sections on Page 1: Home School: This is the neighborhood school the student would attend if not disabled. Case Manager: This is the school district staff person coordinating the PPT and services. Not all schools have a case manager and a contact person will be listed on your PPT meeting notice. Primary Disability: The Team will select the disability category which is the closest to the student’s primary disability. Administrator/Designee: Must be present for all PPT meetings. This individual must have knowledge of Special Education Law and have the authority to secure any necessary resources; including personnel and funding. It’s The Law! 34 C.F.R. 300.321(a) The Planning and Placement Team (PPT) Must include the parents/guardians, regular education teacher or provider, someone to interpret evaluation results, an administrator, the student (if appropriate), anyone with expertise on the child invited by either the parents or the school. 34 C.F.R. 300.303(a) (2) Next Re-Evaluation Date The primary purpose of the “re-evaluation “ is to determine or re-determine eligibility for special education. Such testing also provides updated recommendations to assist in the IEP development. Re-evaluation must occur at least every three years unless school and parents/guardians agree, in writing, it is unnecessary. It may also be sooner, if parent and school district agree. © 2009 CT Disabilities Connections, LLC All rights reserved

9 Connecticut IEP Form Page 2: List of Recommendations and PPT Meeting Summary © 2009 CT Disabilities Connections, LLC All rights reserved

10 All modifications and services should be listed here in writing in writing IDEA (Federal Regulations) does not require this section to be filled in. However, if a school chooses to write something here it must be accurate. If not, parents can request a correction in writing and the school must respond in writing. Parents do have the right to appeal any reply if the summary still is not correct. © 2009 CT Disabilities Connections, LLC All rights reserved

11 Connecticut IEP Form Page 3: Prior Written Notice © 2009 CT Disabilities Connections, LLC All rights reserved

12 “Prior Written Notice” is a written communication to the parent/guardian of all “action(s)” that have been proposed or refused by the Planning and Placement Team (PPT). The team must specify reasons for the action(s), evaluation procedures, assessments, records or reports used as a basis for the action(s) proposed. The team must also indicate the date that the proposed action(s) will be implemented. Note: Any proposed action(s) cannot be implemented sooner than 5 school days from the date the parent/guardian receives the “Prior Written Notice.” In addition, the implementation date should match the “Start Date” of services on the grid on page 11. If other options are considered and/or rejected in favor of proposed action(s), the rationale for rejecting those options must be explained here. © 2009 CT Disabilities Connections, LLC All rights reserved

13 Common Proposed or Refused Actions (not all inclusive) Conduct an Initial evaluation; Conduct a re-evaluation; Determine the student is (or is not) eligible for special education and related services; Implement an IEP; Continue an IEP; Revise an IEP; Change placement; Discontinue specific services Exit from special education Note: If more than one action or refusal is listed in the first column and are clustered together for the purposes of columns 2 and 3, only one “Page 3” is required. Multiple “Page 3’s” may be needed if more than one action or refusal cannot be clustered in columns 2 and 3. © 2009 CT Disabilities Connections, LLC All rights reserved

14 To continue please see the next slide show © 2009 CT Disabilities Connections, LLC All rights reserved

15 Resources: IEP Manual and Forms, January 2006: Reprinted 2008 Edition. Connecticut State Department of Education: Bureau of Special Education. Free copies can be obtained from the SERC (State Education Resource Library) Library in Middletown, CT A Parents Guide to Special Education in Connecticut 2007 Edition – Connecticut State of Education Bureau of Special Education. Free copies can be obtained at the SERC Library. “So You’re going to a PPT… The IEP Guide: Page by Page…don’t leave home without reading this.” Revised January 22, 2008. Copies can be obtained from the CT Family Support Network, Department of Developmental Services or Council on Developmental Disabilities. For blank copies of IEP forms to review or other important information go to: http://www.sde.ct.gov Click on “special education” If you have specific questions regarding your child’s IEP or understanding the state and federal special education laws, the Bureau of Special Education has consultants available to discuss your specific questions and/or concerns. They can be reached at 860-713-6910. © 2009 CT Disabilities Connections, LLC All rights reserved

16 References: IEP Manual and Forms, January 2006: Reprinted 2008 Edition. Connecticut State Department of Education: Bureau of Special Education. A Parents Guide to Special Education in Connecticut 2007 Edition – Connecticut State of Education Bureau of Special Education. “So You’re Going to a PPT… The IEP Guide: Page by Page…don’t leave home without reading this.” Revised January 22, 2008. The Complete IEP Guide: How to Advocate for Your Special Ed Child Fifth Edition 2007; by Attorney Lawrence M. Siegel, Director of the National Deaf Education Project.; Part 3; A close Look at the IEP: “Annual Goals” (Slide 6-20) A Parent’s Guide to Special Education: Evaluation, IEP, Placement; A joint publication of the Federation of Children with Special Needs and The Massachusetts Department of Education. Connecticut State Department of Education: Bureau of Special Education website; click on “special education.” Most if not all the content written in this slide presentation came directly from the “IEP Manual and Forms Manual” 2008 Edition obtained from the State of Connecticut Department of Education website.

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