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On the back of your first plant ID sheet… take notes

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Presentation on theme: "On the back of your first plant ID sheet… take notes"— Presentation transcript:

1 On the back of your first plant ID sheet… take notes
Plant ID Terminology On the back of your first plant ID sheet… take notes

2 easy, identifiable name in English
Common Name: easy, identifiable name in English EX: Dandelion

3 Botanical Name: Latin, in Western Garden Book- BOLD, LARGE
binomial: Genus species Ex:Taraxacum officinale

4 Growing Conditions: Planting Zones, Sun or shade?

5 Flower Color/Bloom Time:
List season it blooms And Color of flower EX: flowers spring, summer, and fall Yellow flowers

6 Water Needs: Use Western Garden Book, find symbol and read for description

7 Perennial/Annual/Deciduous/Evergreen
Perennial= lives multiple years, survives winter Annual= lives 1 year, dies in winter Evergreen= green all year, does not drop ALL leaves Deciduous= drops ALL leaves in fall, grows back in spring

8 Leaf Description: Simple or Compound?
Describe color, texture, margin (leaf edges)

9 Plant Height: You can use greater than or less than symbols(>6’ or <6’…) OR, simply read the information provided in the Western Garden book ex: plant gets 5’ tall Ex: plant is less than 1 foot tall

10 Plant Habit: shape of plant,
ex: rounded, upright, groundcover, pyramidal, cascading

11 Key Identifiers: main ID for plant
How do you know that this plant is a dandelion…? Yellow flowers Toothed, simple green leaves Sticky latex sap from leaves and stems

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