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nǐ hǎo dì lìu kè 第 六课 (L6) 家 (Family) mù biāo 目 标 (Objectives) V I can ask and answer the question in which city your home is V I can ask and answer.

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Presentation on theme: "nǐ hǎo dì lìu kè 第 六课 (L6) 家 (Family) mù biāo 目 标 (Objectives) V I can ask and answer the question in which city your home is V I can ask and answer."— Presentation transcript:


2 nǐ hǎo

3 dì lìu kè 第 六课 (L6) 家 (Family)

4 mù biāo 目 标 (Objectives) V I can ask and answer the question in which city your home is V I can ask and answer the question how many family members you have _ I can talk about my and my family members’ occupations _ I can ask and answer the question what you have in your home _ I can introduce and talk about my family



7 爱 ài

8 洛杉矶 luò shān jī

9 工程 师 gōng chéng shī

10 cóng lái A: 你从 哪儿来? B: A city where you are from bàba māma zuò A: 你爸爸和妈妈是 做什么的? gōng chéngshī hù shì B: 我爸爸是, 我妈妈是护士。

11 cóng lái A: 你从 哪儿来? B: A city where you are from 。 zuò A: 你爸爸和妈妈是做什么的? bàba māma B: 我爸爸是 ____, 我妈妈是 ____ 。

12 Grammar Notes 从  cóng  prep. from “ 从 … 来 ” (cóng…lái) come from… Example: She comes from Los Angeles. Tā cóng Luòshānjī lái.

13 Grammar Notes The “ 是 …. 的 ” construction is used to emphasize the information in sentences. Example: It was in Los Angeles where I studied Chinese. Wǒ shì zài Luòshānjī xué Zhōngwén de.

14 Grammar Notes 做  zuò  v. to do; to make; to cook Example: do homework cook food make a chair zuò gōngkè zuò fàn zuò yǐzi

15 liàn xí 练习 (Exercise) Translation in Pinyin. 1.My good friend Frank comes from New York. 2. I study Chinese in Cerritos College. (use “shì…de” structure) 3.What do you do? (use “shì…de” structure) Wǒ de hǎo péngyou Frank cóng Nǐuyuē lái. Wǒ shì zai Cerritos College xué zhōngwén de. Nǐ shì zuò shénme de ?

16 bǐjiào 比较 Compare & Contrast

17 Final-Term Project II: Chinese Oral Presentation At least 6 slides (8 slides for native speakers) – Add one more slide to list new words you used Any topic you prefer to present Slide Content: – The following words must be used: 有,做,在, 常,都 – Chinese sentences in Pinyin with punctuation – Pictures matching the sentences, – Extra Credit: Typing out Chinese characters

18 Final-Term Project II: Chinese Oral Presentation Presentation Tool: PPT, Prezi, or Movie Maker Upload your project into Assignments in TalonNet by Dec. 6 (Friday)

19 Chinese Oral Presentation CATEGORY321 Time - LimitPresentation is 2 min long Presentation is 1 or less than 1 min. long Content Six or more than six pieces of information ; six or more than six slides with sentences in Pinyin and/or Chinese symbols and matching pictures Three to four pieces of information about yourself; three to four slides with Chinese sentences, Pinyin, and matching pictures Less than three pieces of information about yourself; less than three Chinese sentences, Pinyin, and matching pictures Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly and distinctly all 100% -90% of the time and no mispronounced words Speaks clearly and distinctly 80% of the time or mispronounced 3-4 words often mumbles or cannot be understood or mispronounces more than 4 words Listener Rating Listener understands all of message Listener gets the gist of the message; however, it is not ALL understood Listener does not understand the message Posture and eye contactstands up straight, looks relaxed and confident, and establishes eye contact with everyone in the room during the presentation Sometimes stands up straight and establishes eye contact Slouches and /or does not look at people during the presentation

20 Final-Term Project III: Skit Form groups of 2-4 Any topic you prefer to present (you could develop a sequel to your mid-term skit if you like) Integrate one Chinese art form in the skit, such as singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, calligraphy, martial arts, Beijing opera, acrobatic, or cooking

21 Final-Term Project III: Skit At least 5 lines/person At least one prop used At least 70 % of words and sentence structures to be used in your script are what we learned Scripts are written in Pinyin (Extra Credits for typing out Chinese characters) A sheet of new words with their English meanings is distributed to class

22 Final-Term Project III: Skit Upload skit scripts to Assignments in Talonnet by Dec. 7

23 Skit Rubric CATEGORYWOW! 3 pointsGood. 2 pointshmmmm....1 pointPoints Presentation- Oral content/gestures Everyone said more than 5 lines// Used excellent body language, gestures// Did not read from cards- knew lines well Everyone said at least 3 lines. // Used some body language to fit with lines. // Needed to use cues for lines Participants did not fulfill minimum requirements of 3 lines. // Hardly any gestures or movement.// Did not know lines Pronunciation/pace/pauses I can tell you practiced! // Nice smooth flow. // You sound great! // 0-5 errors Pretty good pronunciation! // Kept average pace. // You stumbled on a few words, but we were still able to follow you. // 5-10 errors What did you say? // More than 10 errors. // Did you practice? Written Script (grammar, spelling, tone marks) Turned in on time. // Clean, neat, organized and easy for me to follow. // 0-8 errors. Turned in on time. // A bit messy and not very easy for me to follow. // 8-16 errors. Script turned in but with 16+ errors. No script= o points Listener Rating Listener understands all of message Listener gets the gist of the message; however, it is not ALL understood Listener does not understand the message Total pointsTOTAL

24 Final-Term Project Timeline Nov. 29 Turn in Chinese Movie Project to Assignments in TalonNet Dec. 6 Turn in Chinese Oral Project Dec. 7 Turn in Skit Scripts Dec. 9/11 Final-Term Project Presentation

25 pīn yīn 拼 音 (Pinyin)

26 Competition about Chinese pronunciation on – 你从哪儿来? Nǐ cóng nǎr lái? – 我家有三个人。 Wǒ jiā yǒu sān ge rén. – 我爸爸是工程师, 我妈妈是家庭主妇。 Wǒ bàba shì gōngchéngshī, wǒ māma shì jiātíngzhǔfù.

27 xiězì 写字 Chinese Character Writing Video: 书法 ; 文房四宝 ; 神画 Online Chinese Learning Tool & Resource Stroke Performance;

28 1. Listen and choose whether the statement is true. a. Xuewen has three cats in his home. 对 不对 b. Xuewen’s Mom is a teacher. 对 不对 2. Recognize Words tiǎozhàn 挑战 (challenge)

29 欢迎加入中文 102 ! Welcome to join CHIN 102! * Consolidation and improvement of Chinese skills * The same textbook as CHIN 101 * Credits transferrable to UC & CSU * Exploration of opportunities of field trip & Study in China * Exploration of Chinese art & culture * Linking Chinese with your major & career

30 chēng wèi 称 谓 Forms of Address Hierarchy and seniority have an impact on the way how Chinese people address each other. The basic form of address is: SURNAME + TITLE

31 chēng wèi 称 谓 Forms of Address Words for family members are often used to address people, even though they are not related. e.g. Addressing seniors with 老爷爷 (l ǎ oyéye) / 老奶奶 (l ǎ on ǎ inai) and addressing people about the same age as your parents with 叔叔 (shūshu)/ 阿姨 (āyí) are well accepted.

32 chēng wèi 称 谓 Forms of Address On formal occasions, professional titles are always preferred. e.g. Manager Wang ; Doctor Lin ; Professor Wu Wáng J ǐ ngl ǐ Lín Yīsheng Wú Jiàoshòu

33 chēng wèi 称 谓 Forms of Address Chinese people often address each other according to their age compared to the addresser. For example, Xi ǎ o(Little)/Dà(Big) L ǎ o (Old) is a popular way to address people who are much younger or older than you.

34 chēng wèi 称 谓 Forms of Address People close to your age may be addressed by their full names if their names only have two Chinese characters, or by their given names if their names have three Chinese characters. 先生 (xiānsheng; Mr.) and 小姐 (xi ǎ ojiě; Ms.) are regarded as appropriate titles to address adult strangers in professional circles.

35 chēng wèi 称 谓 Forms of Address Remember that: People are never offended when addressed as “ 您 ” ( the esteemed you). But addressing this way a person that has a close relationship with you gives a hint of distance. You should not address people much older than you by their full names.

36 试一试 (Try it) 1.If you go to see a doctor whose name is Chen Wen, how do you address him when meeting him? 2. Your Chinese colleague Guo Jianguo is much older than you. How do you address him? 3. You are traveling in Beijing. You get lost and want to ask an old lady passing by for directions. How do you address her? (Movie Scenes of Karate Kids)

37 wén huà 文化 ( Culture) Beijing Olympic Games Opening Ceremony (Video) Theme Song: 我和你 ( 北京欢迎你 )

38 作业 ( HOMEWORK ) MCL Final-Term Projects


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