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Mr. Williams Getting to know your Teacher. I’m a Farm Boy.

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1 Mr. Williams Getting to know your Teacher

2 I’m a Farm Boy

3 Background Info 2003 Graduated from Frontenac Secondary School, in Kingston, ON. 2007 Graduated from Lakehead University with a Honours BA in Outdoor Recreation Parks and Tourism and BA in Geography 2008 Graduated from the University of Ottawa with a Bachelor of Education degree 2010 Graduated with a Master’s degree in Education Full time teacher at SRB 2012

4 Special Education Teacher Goals: 1)To help students teach themselves how to learn more effectively & independently. 2)To convince and show students that school is real, and is worth your time and effort. 3)To enable you to experience the pleasure of earning your credits/marks. Favourite course to teach: Learning Strategies and Resource (Why?)

5 Everybody has weaknesses I have a learning Disability

6 Low Working Memory Unlike most people’s, my working memory is not functioning at maximum capacity This means I may make a few mistakes once in a while But if you follow my lead and work hard, despite a disability you can achieve your goals.

7 Principles I try to Live By You think school is bad, try farming What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger Proper, Preparation, Prevents, Poor Performance “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”

8 Nothing except your absolute best is acceptable I’ll do my best so I encourage you to do yours

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