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the eye of the hurricane Chapter 1 Chapter 1 “Trickle, Trickle, Trickle,” went the rain and my tears, as I stored my items in the suitcase wondering.

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2 the eye of the hurricane

3 Chapter 1 Chapter 1 “Trickle, Trickle, Trickle,” went the rain and my tears, as I stored my items in the suitcase wondering what would happen. I zipped up my “storage” and remained there. I glared at the blazing hot sun, and then packed my clothes attentively in my suitcase. As I stepped my foot out the doorway, I had a feeling something was missing. I stepped back in my room and examined.

4 Chapter 2 Chapter 2 As I thought what to snatch, something caught my eye. A sparkle, with a dazzle to it. I walked over and saw the necklace with David’s star on it. It has been passed down from my dad’s dad and mom. It means the world to me. I couldn’t imagine what would happen if it got lost in the hurricane, I could feel my salty, watery tears trying to slide down my red, wet, puffy cheek. I thought it was definitely something to keep. My hand swooped the necklace in my bare hand and stuffed it in my pocket.

5 Chapter 3 Chapter 3 I could feel the necklace pulling the stuffing in my pocket down, but as I was leaving a thought came to my head, all the memories, me as a baby, how we had all my family come here, my brain was flooding with thoughts. The bracelets! I tossed open the case and put them on my arm. These bracelets are special to me because my Aunt Leslie made them by her naked hand. She had died when I was two, though she LoVeD to make jewelry so before she passed, she made these glittery, classy bracelets. That’s what is special to me.

6 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 “Tomo!” I ran to him and my arms shuffled to him. My hands moved at light speed hooking my arms to his body. It was like a feeling that my heart burst in a bucket full of happiness. Then, I had a flash back I could remember the day we got him, December 27,2009. My bucket was pouring of love and happiness, as I held him close to my heart. His warm, fuzzy fur brushing my hand. It was a perfect match. When I took him it was like my heart had uncovered a section and Tomo popped in. I took the leash and clipped it on his chain.

7 Chapter 5 Chapter 5 I took on look at the window, houses in crumbles like scrambled eggs in the morning smashed in little pieces, then I saw rooftops on top of the “scrambled eggs,” like soggy toast. I looked at my beloved items and was overjoyed that I took them. “Bark, Bark, Bark!”

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