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GCSE ML Why1 10/12/2014 Why GCSE French?. GCSE ML Why2 10/12/2014 The World Context  New technology + improved travel and communications = a smaller.

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE ML Why1 10/12/2014 Why GCSE French?. GCSE ML Why2 10/12/2014 The World Context  New technology + improved travel and communications = a smaller."— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE ML Why1 10/12/2014 Why GCSE French?

2 GCSE ML Why2 10/12/2014 The World Context  New technology + improved travel and communications = a smaller world, therefore CRUCIAL to learn to speak + communicate and appreciate other cultures

3 GCSE ML Why3 10/12/2014 Your world: now  Get an international dimension to your studies

4 GCSE ML Why4 10/12/2014 Moving onto Higher Education?  Some universities require a Languages GCSE even if you do not want to study languages.

5 GCSE ML Why5 10/12/2014 Your world: the future Employment / Mobility Prospects  Business  Engineering  Fashion  World-class football!  etc....

6 GCSE ML Why6 10/12/2014 Aims of GCSE 1. UNDERSTAND the language...  Listening  Reading 2. COMMUNICATE in the language...  Speaking  Writing

7 GCSE ML Why7 10/12/2014 Aims of GCSE 3. Know about GRAMMAR and be able to apply it 4. Use language in a variety of situations building on what you know:  at home & abroad  education, training and employment  house, home & daily routine  media, entertainment and youth culture  social activities, fitness and health

8 GCSE ML Why8 10/12/2014 Aims of GCSE 5. Know and understand the countries & communities where the language is spoken

9 GCSE ML Why9 10/12/2014 Aims of GCSE 6. Feel positive about learning languages 7. Get a good foundation for using languages later, whether learning or using in a practical situation

10 GCSE ML Why10 10/12/2014 GCSE French at Rhosnesni  3 lessons a week  Variety of activities and skills required for each lesson  Use of ICT – in school and at home  French study club  Access to dedicated web sites that we subscribe to  Access to Moodle – Wrexham’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)  French Trip in year 10

11 GCSE ML Why11 10/12/2014 School info & Documents  Folder - for ex books + text book  2 ex books BOOK A: classwork + homework BOOK B: notes + draft work  Francoscope text book  Set of listening tests and a CD  Vocabulary booklets

12 GCSE ML Why12 10/12/2014 School info & Documents  Assessment criteria  Past Papers  Dictionaries  ICT resources  Revision Guides / support Packs  French Study Club

13 GCSE ML Why13 10/12/2014 Assessment Objectives Listening (20%) - May/June of Year 11 - Hear audio twice - Answer questions (tick box / English) Reading (20%) - May/June of Year 11 - Read variety of texts - Answer questions (tick box / English)

14 GCSE ML Why14 10/12/2014 Assessment Objectives Speaking (30% - year 10 and year 11) - Structured conversation based on a context which can be prepared for in advance.(4-5mins) - Presentation on a topic that you choose and a discussion about it afterwards. (5-7 minutes) Writing (30% - Coursework... starts straight away!) - 2 pieces of work submitted on different topics - Teacher decides the titles - Both completed in the classroom with access to your notes and dictionaries.

15 GCSE ML Why15 10/12/2014  We strongly recommend that pupils studying French have achieved a Level 6 in year 9.  If you are working at Levels 4 or 5 you may want to consider doing FCSE French.

16 GCSE ML Why16 10/12/2014 What is an FCSE?  It stands for Foundation Certificate of Secondary Education and it is a Level 1 course (equals a GCSE grade D)  There is no final exam – you are assessed in the classroom with your language teacher at the end of every module

17 GCSE ML Why17 10/12/2014 Aims and Objectives of an FCSE in French  To use French effectively for practical communication.  To encourage positive attitudes towards foreign language speakers and their countries.  To develop the language skills established in Key Stage 3

18 GCSE ML Why18 10/12/2014 Des Questions?  Merci et Bonne Chance!

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