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 Tuesday, August 13, 2013 Seascape Golf Club Technology Integration & CCSS/NGSS Pajaro Valley High Pancho Rodriguez, Rob Hoffman, & Dutch Tessier.

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Presentation on theme: " Tuesday, August 13, 2013 Seascape Golf Club Technology Integration & CCSS/NGSS Pajaro Valley High Pancho Rodriguez, Rob Hoffman, & Dutch Tessier."— Presentation transcript:

1  Tuesday, August 13, 2013 Seascape Golf Club Technology Integration & CCSS/NGSS Pajaro Valley High Pancho Rodriguez, Rob Hoffman, & Dutch Tessier

2  21 Century Classroom o 1:1 classroom set of iPads (35 devices) o SMART Board, Doc Camera, surround sound with mic

3  Technology as a Tool  Differentiate instruction to meet the diverse needs of my students o Station activities where at each station students were using their device differently to learn content: reading, watching, listening, playing, or creating  Frequently assess students to know where they are in achieving the learning goals

4  Technology as a Tool o Pre-assessments: KWL using whiteboard app, drawing/writing, exploring apps o Formative assessment (with feedback): online discussion, white board app, GoogleForm quiz, class poll o Summative assessment: quiz, digital story, movie, essay, presentation

5  Formative Assessment –

6  Use student provided devices to complete research, formulate and create a final research product.  Use various surveys to help students develop a personal inquiry.  Provide research verification sheets to guide students in finding legitimate, verifiable sources.  Students present final research projects to the class.

7 Science & Engineering Practices  Asking questions and defining problems o Real time questions using Backchannel Today’s Meet o Exit slips to ask questions about daily learning goal Google Forms  Developing & Using Models o Illustrate and explain models using apps & digital stories

8 Science & Engineering Practices  Constructing explanations and designing solutions o Online discussions with peer responses  Engaging in argument from evidence o Digital story &/or iMovie creation  Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information o GoogleDoc Essay, online discussion, presentations


10  Cite specific textual evidence to support conclusions drawn from the text.  Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the structure an author uses.  Integrate and evaluate multiple sources presented in different media or formats.

11  Gather information from multiple authoritive print and digital sources using advanced searches effectively.  Present information, findings, and supporting evidence, conveying a clear and distinct perspective.  Make strategic use of digital media in presentations to enhance understanding of findings.

12  Immediate or more efficient feedback given to students to process and reflect on daily learning goals  Increased engagement in content for the individual student and group interaction  Access to various forms of content reinforcement, including updated scientific articles/literature

13  Through creating digital stories, students, especially Developing Bilingual students (ELL), are using writing, academic vocabulary, diagrams/models, and speaking to reinforce content  Creating permanent digital portfolios of student work  Developing responsible & respectful digital citizens

14  High engagement as students are able to develop inquiries based on their own interests.  Development of inquiry and self-reflection process.  Experimentation with and analysis of different presentation methods to determine which best suits the information being presented.

15  Increased confidence in the learning and presentation process as they become involved in authentic self-directed learning.  Peer to peer learning as students are more engaged in information being researched and presented by their classmates


17  Find a Focus o Why do you want to use technology? o How do Admin/Teachers want to use technology? o There a too many tools available, be specific.  Implement new tools or strategies slowly o One or two at a time  Take risks and try new “tools” o It probably won’t work as planned the first time o You and your students will grow  Ask for help & advice

18  Be patient with students and work with them individually to develop meaningful and substantial inquiries.  Let students experiment with different topics, and technologies; allow them to fail, adjust, and switch topics, or presentation methods as they see fit.  Provide specific deadlines for research and presentations and provide tools to help them monitor their progress.

19  Online Discussions o Collaborize Classroom o School Loop  Digital Stories o SonicPics o Puppet Pals o EduCreations* o Sock Puppets o Toontastic o Voice Thread o iMovie  Student Feedback o Google Forms (quizzes) o o Socrative o Today’s Meet  Presentations o Keynote o Prezi o iMoive

20  Dutch's resources: Please contact via e-mail for graphic organizers, student interest surveys, and research verification sheets. Contact Information Pancho Rodriguez Rob Hoffman @mrhoffmanslab Dutch Tessier @mrtessier33

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