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The Russian Revolution

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1 The Russian Revolution

2 Social Structure of Czarist Russia
Peasants 90% of population, Majority were serfs Could not own land, No legal rights, Could not travel freely, Taxed heavily Intellectuals Very small class of people Well educated Wanted to improve Russia


4 Social Structure of Czarist Russia
Clergy Russian Orthodox Church (Christian) Many different ranks among leaders Priests, bishops, archbishops Nobility 1% of population Controlled the land and wealth of Russia Lived and dressed extravagantly Included the Czar of Russia


6 Czarist Russia Before 1905 Russia had an Absolute Monarchy; Czar Nicholas II Romanov and his wife The Czarina Alexandra Alexander II had been assassinated – he had been a reformer Alexander III Nicholas II Autocracy meant that the Czar had complete control He did not allow any political opposition Persecution of Jews and other non-Russian groups as a means of creating a Russian culture Pogroms, etc.




10 Rasputin Rasputin was a peasant “holy man” that supposedly had magical healing powers. The people of Russia disapproved of Rasputin.

11 Causes of the Revolution
Russia was not industrialized Starvation of peasants Military was overcommitted and under prepared in World War I -(Treaty of Brest-Litovsk) Russo Japanese War The Monarchy was out of touch with the problems of the people Russia was behind western Europe industrially 1890’s began large scale industrialization in Russia fueled by taxes and foreign investment Steel production rose Railway to connect European side of Russia, to the Pacific began in 1891, finished in 1904

12 Events of the Revolution
Revolution of 1905 The Duma (legislature) was created. Limited Monarchy Bloody Sunday & St Petersburg Riots The peasants were starving and Father Gapon brought demands to the King. Protesters were killed and riots started all over the city March Revolution -1917 The Czar abdicated or stepped down. The Romanov family was executed a year later. Kerensky and The Provision Government-1917 The Duma (Russian Legislature) set up a temporary government that was democratic. The head of the government was Kerensky Japan and Russia fought over Korea and Manchuria in 1904 after Russia broke agreements Japan defeated Russia --> Unrest at home Bloody Sunday – January 22, 1905 – 200,000 workers and families in St. Petersburg came to Czar’s palace with a petition for better working conditions, more personal freedom, and representation Soldiers were ordered to fire on the crowd, 500-1,000 demonstrators died Lead to more strikes Czar created Duma (legislature) in October 1905 first met in May 1906, but dissolved after ten weeks because Czar did not like Duma’s agenda Remember the chart from last class? Many Russian soldiers were killed demoralized – home and war prices driven high Rasputin was a Monk who gained influence with the Czarina (Czar’s wife) while the Czar was at the front he gained enough influence to bring his friends in and generally corrupt the government Eventually, he was killed by some nobles after they drugged him and shot him and finally threw him in the river – died by drowning


14 Lenin Lenin believed in Karl Marx’s communist ideas Bolsheviks- a group of elite revolutionaries Lenin was sent into exile but returned to Russia in 1917 Leon Trotsky was Lenin’s right hand man

15 Events of the Revolution
November Revolution- 1917 Kerensky’s Provisional Government lost power because they kept Russia in WWI Lenin’s Bolsheviks overthrew the Provisional Gov. and took Russia out of WWI (Treaty of Brest-Litovosk) Slogan – Land, Peace, Bread Russian Civil War Reds (communists) vs. Whites (loyalists) Communists defeated the whites Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic

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