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Formative Assessment Institute Presented by: Dr. Pam Lange.

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Presentation on theme: "Formative Assessment Institute Presented by: Dr. Pam Lange."— Presentation transcript:

1 Formative Assessment Institute Presented by: Dr. Pam Lange

2 Credit Options Sign up for credit Two grad credits Melanie has information

3 Outcomes To reconnect with colleagues. To continue dialogue about the Seven Strategies of Formative Assessment. To continue dialogue about the importance of student involvement and peer assessing. To discuss how to move forward with formative assessment as it pertains to CCSS.

4 Wikispace Note the address change!

5 Seven Strategies for Assessment FOR Learning Where am I going? 1.Provide a clear and understandable vision of the learning target. 2.Use examples and models of strong and weak work. Where am I now? 3. Offer regular descriptive feedback. 4. Teach students to self-assess and set goals. How can I close the gap? 5. Design lessons to focus on one aspect of quality at a time. 6. Teach students focused revision. 7. Engage students in self-reflection and let them keep track of and share their learning.

6 Icebreaker

7 Who Are We Really? If you could have the dream job, what would it be? What have you always dreamed about doing? Stand up and introduce yourself to the group using your “new career title”. In addition, tell us the best part of your job.

8 Formatively Assessing

9 What you told me… Human Histogram Results: Strong and Weak Student Work Next Steps in Learning Exit Card Results Self-assessment/Peer reviewing (how to get started) Always thinking about next steps Students setting goals

10 Tool: Clock Buddies

11 Strong/Weak Student Work Involving Students

12 Assessment FOR learning is a particularly strong student-focused approach to instruction, an approach in which students become personally involved in monitoring and adjusting how they are attempting to learn. Stiggins & Popham, 2008 Student Involvement

13 Emily’s Story Glance briefly through the two pieces of writing. –As you read the 2 nd piece, think ‘What did this teacher do to enhance student motivation and learning?” Emily’s Story

14 Clock Buddy Discussion Focus on first three questions

15 Table Discussion What did this teacher do to enhance student motivation and learning? What can you do to improve student work?

16 Involving Student Protocol

17 Involving Students using Technology

18 Using Technology with Feedback/Peer Assessment

19 Using Technology with Feedback/Peer Assessment Write down one word on a sticky note that you think people would use to describe your personality.

20 Using Technology with Feedback/Peer Assessment Flip Cameras

21 Clock Buddy Discussion What capabilities do you currently have in your individual classroom to integrate technology into feedback and/or self-assessment?

22 Asking Questions as part of peer assessment or peer feedback


24 “Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when called upon to act in accordance with the dictates of reason.” Questioner: What does he mean by rational? Responder: I think he means logical. Questioner: How is logical different than rational? Responder: One way is by using steps. Questioner: Explain how using steps is rational. Responder: It is reasonable to use steps. Questioner: Can you give examples when to be reasonable uses steps?

25 Let’s Practice!

26 Where to begin … You model it, you practice it together, students practice together with partner, students do it alone Let’s Plan: Which unit of study will be used? What learning targets will be the focus of students’ self-assessment or peer feedback? When will they self-assess or give feedback – before, during or after instruction? What form or graphic organizer will you use? (Pages 204-228) Will have report out of different ways to use handouts

27 Lunch See you at 12:45

28 CCSS Google Site

29 Disaggregated Template

30 Webb Levels

31 Why Webb Leveling SMARTER Balanced  Assessment in 2015 will be based on Webb Leveling  Computer generated test  Results available in two weeks (for MC)  Leveled  Type of assessment questions  South Dakota gets same vote as California  Technology  Grades: 3-8 and 11 (maybe 9, 10 – course assessment)

32 Why Webb Leveling We have been a “Blooms” state  Blooms Taxonomy describes the type of thinking Webb Leveling Depth of which we expect students to demonstrate understanding of the content Webb’s describes complexity of both the content and the task required Use, Acquire, Extend

33 Why Webb Leveling

34 DOK Article Directions:  Complete graphic organizer of your choice

35 DOK Reflection Discussion: Two things you learned from reading DOK article and completing graphic organizer. One question you still have about DOK.


37 Examples of Webb Levels ELA Examples: List three presidents. List three presidents who have impacted our nation the most in your lifetime. Math Examples: Make a conjecture about the number zero. Prove that this conjecture about number zero is true with all numbers.

38 Webb Level List three presidents List three president s that have impacted our nation in your lifetime and why. How might you alter the impact?

39 Webb Leveling Activity Locate the Handout “Using the Webb’s Leveling Taxonomy”

40 Webb Leveling Activity Determine where each of the following learning activities fall on Webb (Use, Acquire, Extend) Determine where each of the following learning activities fall on Webb leveling (Level 1, 2, 3, 4) Let’s practice first one together

41 Work Time

42 Unit of Study: Standard DOK What Depth of Knowledge would you say your standard(s) is written to: –Acquire, Use, Extend –Level 1, 2, 3, 4 What should your “series of lessons” portray?

43 Webb Level Webb Level of Lessons Examine each lesson activity from your unit of study Determine why it meets the selected Webb Level

44 Webb Level

45 Exit Card One discussion that has you thinking about implementation of formative assessment. One question that is still rolling around in your mind?

46 Great Job!

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