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Chapter 10 A Launching the New Nation. Problems with the “New Nation” __________________________ Federal Government / Articles of Confederation _________________________/

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 10 A Launching the New Nation. Problems with the “New Nation” __________________________ Federal Government / Articles of Confederation _________________________/"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 10 A Launching the New Nation

2 Problems with the “New Nation” __________________________ Federal Government / Articles of Confederation _________________________/ rebellion – No power to _____________(DEBT BUILDS UP) – No power to ________________________________ – No __________________________________ – No _______________________________ – No _________________________________________ Paper money = ___________________ Outcome: ______________________

3 Washington __________ ________________________ by the Electoral College (only president to do so) Led a march from _________________(temporary capital) Sworn in on April 30, 1789 on Wall Street 2 Problems as President (1) _______________________________________ (2) _______________________________________ with the American people “We are in a wilderness without a single footstep to guide us.” - James Madison

4 Washington’s Cabinet (1) Department of ________ – foreign affairs (___________________________________) (2) Department of _______ – military affairs (_____________________ (3) Department of ________ – manage finances (__________________________________) (4) Attorney General (__________________________________) These 4 make up the “____________” – _______________________________________________________

5 Hamilton and Jefferson Debate / Conflict _________________________________ Born in the British West Indies - supported a ________________________________ - favored by the __________ (_____________________________ ) * ______________- interpretation of the Constitution - ____________________ *Sometime accused of being more British than American _______________________ - supported a ______________ - favored by the _____________ (_____________) -*____________ interpretation of the Constitution - ________________________________________

6 Bill of Rights (pushed by ___________________) The Constitution lacked a Bill of Rights—this deeply bothered several states. They ratified it on the promise that as soon as the new government began, they'd add a Bill of Rights. The government kept its word. Ratified in 1791 (2/3 of Congress accepted and ¾ of states adopted them)

7 ***________________*** -First legislation passed under Washington -_________________________________ ___________________________________ -____________________ is “Law of the Land” S.C. = 1 Chief Justice and 5 Assistant Justices John Jay: _____________________________________ - State court decisions were appealed to the Federal Court system when “Constitutional” issues were raised.

8 Protective Tariff vs. Excise Tax “___________________________”, an import tax on goods produced in other countries – ___________________________________________________ OVERALL GOAL OF A PROTECTIVE TARIFF??? _______________________________________________ *Hamilton (sect. of treasury) passes an “_____________” – a tax on product’s manufacture, sale, or distribution WITHIN the United States! _______________________would HATE / consistently oppose an “excise tax” Ex. Tax on corn = Whiskey


10 __________________________ - planned to manage the country’s (_________________) debt and set a up a national banking system **_______________________________** / _____________ Modeled after the Bank of England - PURPOSE - (a) ____________________, (b) ___________________, and (c) _________________________________________. -MAIN Problem with B.O.U.S / Jefferson: - The Constitution said ________________ about the creation of such a bank & _________________________________________________________ Hamilton DEFENDS THE B.O.U.S. = (1) “_____________________________” or Elastic Clause (2) ______________________________________________________ Strong example of the “LOOSE” Interpretation of the Constitution OVERALL OUTCOME: Hamilton wins and the B.O.U.S. is built in 1793 in Philadelphia

11 Whiskey Rebellion (____) 1794 – Farmers refused to pay the excise tax on corn Farmer’s Problems (1) _______________________ to help the government pay off debt & threatened to secede! (2) *__________________________” - from Tennessee and Kentucky (not states yet so no one to represent them in Congress) Whiskey rebellion: Occurs in Pennsylvania (1794) Dilemma: Can the government force people to pay a tax?!? Washington’s response to Whiskey Rebellion: 13,000 troops sent to Pennsylvania…the revolt was crushed *______________________wins! Anti-Federalist (Jeffersonian / States) reaction: Washington acted too harshly – using a sledgehammer to kill a gnat! **The VERY FIRST time the __________________________________________________!!!!!**

12 Whiskey Rebellion

13 The Emergence of the TWO PARTY System Hamiltonians and the Jeffersonians Problems: 2 party system creates tension! “_________________-” – fought over the power and size of the federal government Created the *_________________________* WASHINGTON HATES THE TWO PARTY SYSTEM

14 Hamiltonian V. Jeffersonian Essay Directions: (1) Place yourself as either Hamilton or Jefferson. (2) Write a letter to your opposition, President Washington, excise tax collector, international leader, local farmer, or local banker arguing your view and how your points / beliefs will provide a more secure and developed nation. (3) You must persuade the other cabinet member to embrace your message. Try your best to negate or downsize the influence of the other cabinet member’s argument by providing a true understanding of the issues at hand. *Length: 1- 2 pages Due: Next class (beginning of class) with other documents assigned during class

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