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AP Comparative Government Summer Work. 1. Purchase and Read Book Fareed Zakaria’s “Future of Freedom” Doesn’t matter which edition New off of Amazon for.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Comparative Government Summer Work. 1. Purchase and Read Book Fareed Zakaria’s “Future of Freedom” Doesn’t matter which edition New off of Amazon for."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Comparative Government Summer Work

2 1. Purchase and Read Book Fareed Zakaria’s “Future of Freedom” Doesn’t matter which edition New off of Amazon for about $3.

3 2. Do Writing Assignment This will be an essay based off of the book The writing assignment will be up on my website by July 1 Due the first day of school

4 3. The Economist We will be using The Economist quite frequently in this class as a source of in-depth current events Not required at this point but VERY highly recommended 1 year subscription for $77 You can split it with another student (esp. if they have an iPad)

5 4. Technology Our classroom will be tech friendly, wireless, and (hopefully) mostly paperless We will have 10 iPads for classroom use Bringing technology is not a requirement but it would be good to have a device for classroom use

6 5. Be Aware of Global Events! Especially in… China Russia Iran United Kingdom Nigeria Mexico

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