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Eid Al Adha Suitcase Reflection (29 th November, 2010) Name: Abdullaziz Ahmed M. Al Mohannadi Class: 9C Date: Tuesday, April 19 th, 2011. Subject: Community.

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Presentation on theme: "Eid Al Adha Suitcase Reflection (29 th November, 2010) Name: Abdullaziz Ahmed M. Al Mohannadi Class: 9C Date: Tuesday, April 19 th, 2011. Subject: Community."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eid Al Adha Suitcase Reflection (29 th November, 2010) Name: Abdullaziz Ahmed M. Al Mohannadi Class: 9C Date: Tuesday, April 19 th, 2011. Subject: Community And Service

2 Section 1 When I first heard about Eid Al Adha Suitcase, I said to myself that type of project suits me, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to choose this project because I was still young. Yet I waited until I was allowed and I chose it. I really liked this project because I have to pass suitcases to poor people, so in general I have to help him, and this is me, since I was small my parents taught me to feed and help poor people.

3 Section 2 In this project, I have served poor people, by collecting suitcases from teachers and students, then passing it to the poor. Some people doesn’t know where to go to find poor people, to help them and feed them, so I have served those people by taking their suitcases and give it to the poor, so I have guided them to the right path.

4 Section 3 Th e school gave us a list of things that we need to get for the poor. The list involved some toys and non-perishable food, because we had a long time period to get the food, and when we get it we had to keep it in a room, so things like chicken, meat, butter and others won’t live in that room. The list involved flour, oil, dates, sugar, rice, powder milk, a toy car, and a doll or stuffed animal.

5 Section 4 To get accepted in Eid Al Adha Suitcase project, we had to create a flyer or a broacher of the poor, and write a sentence on it that persuades people to get food supplies for the poor, and after finishing it we had stick 10 copies around the school. Secondly, we have to create a poster that talks about the poor, and give reasons to persuade people to get the food supplies so it could be raised to the poor, and we also had to take the posters and the flyers to some advisories to persuade people to get food supplies, and explain to them where are we doing this, and how much time we have. Thirdly, we have to bring the food supplies that I mentioned previously. Then we had to help the teacher in the Diamond Area to organize the boxes for a few hours. Last but not least, if we get accepted, in the day that we’re going to the poor, we have to shift the boxes from the Diamond Area to the cars to take them to Abu Hamour, the place where the poor lived in, and when we reach that place we had to pass it to the poor people there.

6 Section 5 I think the flyers, posters, and visiting advisories have worked. Especially after visiting the advisories many people have brought in boxes of supplies.

7 Section 6 In general the project passed, but there are some things that went wrong a little bit. For example: there were some people go to the Diamond Area, and change the name of that student that is written on the box to their names, to act like that they got food supplies but actually their lying. Another problem is that there are some poor people got two boxes, and they should only get one, no more. So next time we should finish the first row of houses, and then go to the second row of houses, so we don’t get mixed up and give each house about 2 or 3 boxes.

8 Section 7 I think the main two learner profiles that I learnt this year from this project are: Caring and Communicator. When we go to hand out the boxes to the poor, we should know how to communicate with them, because they are uneducated. They may also get frightened from the box because they don’t know what’s inside it, therefore they may get angry and kick us out. Even by collecting suitcases from students and go to Abo Hamour to hand them out to the poor, that shows that we care about them, which is part of the learner profile. In other words we’re showing them that we care about them, it doesn’t mater if they’re poor or rich, we still care about them.

9 Section 8 I think we achieved our main goal, which is making the poor people smile, and we actually did. Yet there are some problems that need to be improved next year, and they are the ones that I mentioned above. When we reached Abo Hamoour, we set a new goal, which is to work together as a team to finish the job as quick as we can, and in my opinion we have achieved that goal, and we finished really early, which then gave us time to go and eat lunch in a restaurant.

10 Thank you for reading

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