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Composers By: Amanda Herman. Bach Life dates: 1675-1750 He became an organist at Arnstadt at the age 18. He want to Wiemer for nine years as a court musician.

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Presentation on theme: "Composers By: Amanda Herman. Bach Life dates: 1675-1750 He became an organist at Arnstadt at the age 18. He want to Wiemer for nine years as a court musician."— Presentation transcript:

1 Composers By: Amanda Herman

2 Bach Life dates: 1675-1750 He became an organist at Arnstadt at the age 18. He want to Wiemer for nine years as a court musician for a duke. He was the third choice for Leipzig. Compositions Jesu, Joy of Manis Desiring St. Matthew Passion

3 Handel Life dates: 1685-1759 He learned to play the organ and clavichord; against father’s wishes. For seven years he didn’t play music. In England he produced operas and oratorios. Compositions Messiah The Cuckoo

4 Haydn Life dates: 1732-1809 Was called “Father of the symphony” He loved musical jokes. Was a nice guy- unlike many other composers. Compositions Farewell symphony Surprise symphony

5 Mozart Life dates: 1756-1791 Requiem was being written when he died. Child prodigy Was in love with Bach’s music. Compositions A little night music Minuet in F major

6 Joplin Life dates: 1868- 1917 His parents were slaves Played guitar, cornet, and piano. At 14 he left home to play music Compositions Maple Leaf Rag The Entertainer

7 Daily Art

8 Oriental Poppies Painted by: Georgia O’ Keefe The artist based it on zooming in like a picture. The inner contours are purple, not black.

9 The Son of Man Painted by: Rene Magritte Surrealism Self portrait the apple is the icon from the Beetles recording label

10 American Gothic Painted by: Grant Woods There are many parodies This was during the great depression Means traditional American

11 The Kiss Made by: Gustav Klimt These people are the artist and his wife He is Australian.

12 Number 11 Blue Poles Made by: Jackson Pollock The paint was dripped on Artist died young Used paints that would raise

13 fugue Several voices or instruments repeat a number of melodies with slight variations. Based on counterpoint. (a composing technique in which two or more melodies are combined.) Began in the 1600’s. Bach wrote them.

14 oratorio A dramatic vocal composition Usually based on a religious story They resemble operas Handel wrote them

15 Symphony There are four movements The first is fast-paced The second is very slow The third is in 2/3 time The fourth is super fast, with short notes Written by Haydn

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