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The T ELECOM W ORLD 2006 Dr Tim Kelly, Head, Forum Team Exhibitor ’ s Meeting, 21 March 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "The T ELECOM W ORLD 2006 Dr Tim Kelly, Head, Forum Team Exhibitor ’ s Meeting, 21 March 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Forum @ T ELECOM W ORLD 2006 Dr Tim Kelly, Head, Forum Team Exhibitor ’ s Meeting, 21 March 2006

2 The Forum @ T ELECOM W ORLD 2006  “ Living the Digital World ”  Digital lifestyles  Digital ecosystems  Digital society  Main Forum, 4-8 December  Youth Forum

3 The dual nature of the Forum  A shop window for the Telecoms/ICT Industry  Speeches by Ministers and CEOs  Large audience, professional, entertaining  Speakers representing commercial interests  A discussion forum for of topics of high current policy interest  Analysis of latest trends  Case studies and benchmarking  Interaction and discussion among experts  Assistance to developing countries  Introduction to the industry for youth fellows

4 The Forum @ T ELECOM W ORLD 2003, Geneva  Around 2 ’ 500 participants to main Forum, plus Youth Forum, TDS and Showcase Presentations  Top-name speakers included:  Bill Gates (Microsoft)  John Chambers (Cisco)  Arun Sarin (Vodafone)  Erkki Liikanen (EU)  Ministers, Regulators, CEOs, etc

5 Forum Advisory Committee for T ELECOM W ORLD 2006  Chair: Reza Jafari Vice-Chair: Anthony Wong  Initial brainstorming  November 2004, in HK  First meeting  March 17-18 2005, in Geneva  Second meeting  March 20-21 2006, in HK  Evaluation of more than 560 abstracts

6 Constraints in developing the Forum Programme  Room constraints  Pre-existing Forum rooms relatively small for an event of this size  Possibility of constructing a large Forum room specially for this event in TELECOM Village: but non-divisible  Sponsorship requirements  Some Forum activities depend on sponsorship (e.g., Youth Forum, Telecom Development Symposium, Forum Speakers ’ Dinner) or direct payment (e.g., Showcase presentations, Forum CD-ROM)

7 Digital lifestyles  This theme explores current and future lifestyles and how they are impacted by ICTs. The focus is on the demand side of the ICT sector, looking at market trends, user behaviour and consumer preferences.  Digital communities (virtual and physical)  Mobile lifestyles  Business lifestyles and telecommuting  Home networking  Local content and culture  Gaming  Multimedia platforms for entertainment  Broadband for all  Entertainment and cultural exchange  ICTs and health

8 Digital Ecosystems  The digital ecosystem is composed of many different types of companies that cooperate and compete to provide equipment, services and applications to users. The focus is on the supply side of the industry and the development of efficient business models.  Business models that work  Reaching the next billion users (the US$20 cellphone)  Security and standards  Managing the value-chain  Business transformation through use of ICTs  Next generation networks  Outsourcing  Industry collaboration and “ shared services ”  Bundling and billing  Growing new businesses  Interconnection  Delighting the customer

9 Digital Society  We are obliged to share our digital world, which means a requirement for policy oversight and independent regulation. This theme looks at challenges for stakeholders in building an information society for all.  ICT policy and regulation  Cybersecurity and combating spam  Internet governance  Digital inclusion  Accessibility of ICT products and services  ICTs for disaster relief  Reinventing government for a digital world  Creating a digital commons  Privacy  Empowering the disadvantaged  Social applications of ICTs  Rural solutions  Shaping our future information society

10 Date09h30 – 11h0011h30 – 13h0014h30 – 16h0016h30 – 18h00 Monday 4 December 10h00 – 12h00 Session 1 JOINT FORUM OPENING Session 2 INDUSTRY ROUNDTABLE Session 3 Theme Session A (14h30-17h00) Theme Session B (14h30-17h00) Tuesday 5 December Theme: “ DIGITAL LIFESTYLES ” Session 4Session 5Session 6Session 7 Theme Session C (10h00-12h-30)Theme Session F (14h30-17h00) Theme Session D (10h00-12h-30)Theme Session E (14h30-17h00) Wednesday 6 December Theme: “ DIGITAL ECOSYSTEMS ” Session 8Session 9Session 10Session 11 Theme Session G (10h00-12h-30)Theme Session I (14h30-17h00) Theme Session H (10h00-12h-30)Theme Session J (14h30-17h00) Thursday 7 December Theme : ” DIGITAL SOCIETY ” Session 12Session 13Session 14Session 15 Theme Session K (10h00-12h-30)Theme Session L (14h30-17h00) Friday 8 December 10h00 – 12h00 Session 16 JOINT FORUM CLOSING Possible Forum Programme

11 Summary of the main Forum programme  Joint Opening and Closing Sessions with Youth Forum (2 hours)  14 main Forum Sessions, including Industry Roundtable (1h30)  12 Themed sessions or workshops (2h30) Total: 28 main forum sessions (55 hours) & around 230 speakers/moderators/panelists + published only

12 Thank you! For more information, please see: Or contact the Forum Team: Tim.Kelly(at) Marianne.Dimier(at) Elizabeth.Lake(at) Nicole.Braillard(at)

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