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Speed of a wave v STATE VARIABLE. Energy of a photon E photon STATE VARIABLE.

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Presentation on theme: "Speed of a wave v STATE VARIABLE. Energy of a photon E photon STATE VARIABLE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speed of a wave v STATE VARIABLE

2 Energy of a photon E photon STATE VARIABLE

3 Index of refraction n STATE VARIABLE

4 Period of Wave T STATE VARIABLE

5 wavelength λ STATE VARIABLE


7 Electric Field Strength E STATE VARIABLE

8 Potential Difference V STATE VARIABLE


10 Cross-sectional area of a wire A STATE VARIABLE

11 Planck’s constant h STATE VARIABLE

12 Length of a conductor L STATE VARIABLE

13 Resistivity ρ STATE VARIABLE

14 Electrostatic constant k STATE VARIABLE

15 Electrical energy W STATE VARIABLE

16 momentum p STATE VARIABLE



19 Potential Energy PE STATE VARIABLE


21 Universal Gravitational G STATE VARIABLE

22 Spring constant k STATE VARIABLE

23 Centripetal Force FcFc STATE VARIABLE

24 Total Mechanical Energy ETET STATE VARIABLE




28 Net Force F net STATE VARIABLE

29 Displacement or distance d STATE VARIABLE

30 height h or d y STATE VARIABLE

31 charge q STATE VARIABLE


33 Coefficient of static friction μ STATE VARIABLE

34 Kinetic Energy KE STATE VARIABLE

35 Internal Energy Q STATE VARIABLE

36 Distance between centers r STATE VARIABLE

37 Electrostatic force FeFe STATE VARIABLE

38 Gravitational field strength g STATE VARIABLE

39 Acceleration a STATE VARIABLE

40 Initial vertical velocity v iy STATE VARIABLE

41 Final vertical velocity v fy STATE VARIABLE

42 Average speed or velocity v STATE VARIABLE

43 Change in equilibrium length of a spring x STATE VARIABLE

44 Centripetal acceleration acac STATE VARIABLE

45 Change in equilibrium length of a spring x STATE VARIABLE

46 Period of Wave Seconds STATE THE UNIT

47 Spring constant N/m STATE THE UNIT

48 Gravitational field strength N/kg STATE THE UNIT

49 Acceleration due to gravity g STATE THE UNIT

50 wavelength m STATE THE UNIT

51 angle degrees STATE THE UNIT

52 Current Amperes or C/s STATE THE UNIT

53 Potential difference V STATE THE UNIT

54 charge C or e STATE THE UNIT

55 Energy of a photon eV or J STATE THE UNIT

56 Mass of proton kg or u STATE THE UNIT

57 Index of refraction No units STATE THE UNIT

58 Coefficient of friction No unit STATE THE UNIT

59 Impulse Ns STATE THE UNIT

60 Net force N or kgm/s 2 STATE THE UNIT

61 Work Nm or J STATE THE UNIT

62 Frequency Hz STATE THE UNIT

63 Kinetic Energy J or kg(m 2 /s 2 ) STATE THE UNIT

64 Cross sectional area of a wire m2m2 STATE THE UNIT

65 Power Watts (W) or J/s STATE THE UNIT

66 Total mechanical energy J STATE THE UNIT

67 Acceleration m/s 2 STATE THE UNIT

68 mass kg STATE THE UNIT


70 Speed of light m/s STATE THE UNIT

71 Resistance Ω or ohms STATE THE UNIT

72 Force on spring N STATE THE UNIT

73 Centripetal acceleration m/s 2 STATE THE UNIT

74 Planck’s constant Js STATE THE UNIT


76 v f λ

77 FfFf FNFN µ

78 FgFg mg

79 c vn


81 q tI

82 FsFs xk

83 V RI

84 p vm

85 J tF

86 W tP

87 V I P

88 For an inclined plane, F N is equal to F g ┴ =F g cosθ=mg(cos θ ) Equations to memorize

89 For an inclined plane, F gII is equal to F g II =F g sinθ=mg(sin θ ) Equations to memorize

90 For a force applied at an angle, the horizontal (or force parallel to the surface) equals F AX =F A cosθ Equations to memorize

91 The equation for the area of a circle A=πr2A=πr2 Equations to memorize

92 The equation for the circumference of a circle C=2πr Equations to memorize

93 Initial vertical velocity of a projectile launched at an angle v iy =v i sinθ Equations to memorize

94 Initial horizontal velocity of a projectile launched at an angle v ix =v i cosθ Equations to memorize

95 Equation for centripetal force (combined version not on Ref Table) Equations to memorize

96 Equation for change in momentum = impulse (long version of Newton’s Second Law) F net t=mΔv Equations to memorize

97 Short cut for time when v i =0 such as dropped from rest Equations to memorize

98 Short cut for final velocity when v i =0 Equations to memorize

99 Angle of a resultant given horizontal and vertical components Θ=tan -1 (A y /A x ) Equations to memorize

100 Equation for slope Slope = (Δy/Δx) Equations to memorize

101 Equation for area of a sloped (triangle) graph Area = 1/2bh or [(x-value)(y-value)]/2 Equations to memorize

102 Equation for area of a straight line (rectangular) graph Area = bh or (x-value)(y-value) Equations to memorize

103 Name the type of relationship represented by the graph Inverse or inverse square

104 Name the type of relationship represented by the graph Direct

105 Name the type of relationship represented by the graph Direct Square

106 Vocabulary or concept A quantity in which both direction and magnitude are important Vector

107 Vocabulary or Concept A wave that requires a medium Mechanical wave

108 Vocabulary or Concept A wave in which particle vibration is perpendicular to wave propagation. Transverse wave

109 Vocabulary or Concept A wave in which particle vibration is parallel to wave propagation Longitudinal

110 Vocabulary or Concept Another word for mass Inertia

111 Vocabulary or Concept Mass x velocity = Momentum or impulse

112 Vocabulary or Concept The area where an object feels the force of another object with the same fundamental force carrier Field

113 Vocabulary or Concept The rate of energy or work Power

114 Vocabulary or Concept Horizontal distance traveled by a projectile Range

115 Vocabulary or Concept The word for the “size” of a measurement Magnitude

116 Vocabulary or Concept Term for the sum of two vector quantities Resultant

117 Vocabulary or Concept The term for an object that is not experiencing acceleration Constant velocity or equilibrium

118 Vocabulary or Concept Force x distance = Work

119 Vocabulary or Concept Term for energy that builds up due to friction Internal energy

120 Vocabulary or Concept The energy gained when an object is lifted in a gravitational field Potential energy

121 Vocabulary or Concept Energy associated with motion Kinetic Energy

122 Vocabulary or Concept The quark composition of a neutron udd

123 Vocabulary or Concept Quark composition of a proton uud

124 Vocabulary or Concept The event that occurs when a particle of matter meets with the corresponding antimatter annihilation

125 Vocabulary or Concept The number of cycles per second for a wave Frequency

126 Vocabulary or Concept Seconds per cycle for a wave Period

127 Vocabulary or Concept When a wave in the environment causes an object to vibrate due to matching frequency Resonance

128 Vocabulary or Concept Meters per cycle for a wave wavelength

129 Vocabulary or Concept The height of a wave above the equilibrium line (or depth below) Amplitude

130 Vocabulary or Concept Amount of charge that flows per second Current

131 Vocabulary or Concept The amount of energy (or work done) on each charge Potential difference

132 Vocabulary or Concept A circuit in which electrons have a choice of paths Parallel Circuit

133 Vocabulary or Concept A circuit in which electrons all follow the same path Series circuit

134 Vocabulary or Concept A device to measure current Ammeter

135 Vocabulary or Concept A device to measure potential difference voltmeter

136 Vocabulary or Concept The difficulty and electron has in completing a circuit Resistance

137 Vocabulary or Concept The ratio of a waves speed in a vacuum to a waves speed in a material Absolute index of refraction

138 Vocabulary or Concept The type of wave that can travel through a vacuum Electromagnetic wave

139 Vocabulary or Concept A single vibratory disturbance in a medium pulse

140 Vocabulary or Concept The force that holds the nucleus together (acts between neutrons and protons) Strong force

141 Vocabulary or Concept Force that acts between an electron and a proton Electromagnetic force

142 Vocabulary or Concept Truly empty space vacuum

143 Vocabulary or Concept The force carrier (boson) of the electromagnetic force photon

144 Vocabulary or Concept Measure of energy when working with small charges such as an electron or other elementary charge Electronvolt eV

145 Vocabulary or Concept The bending of a wave around an obstruction or through an opening in a barrier diffraction

146 Vocabulary or Concept Measure of energy when working with small charges such as an electron. Electronvolt eV

147 Vocabulary or Concept The bending of a wave into a new medium when it is transmitted. refraction

148 Vocabulary or Concept The change in observed frequency of a wave due to the relative motion of the source and the observer. Doppler Effect

149 Vocabulary or Concept When two waves are in the same place at the same time and they superimpose temporarily to form a supercrest or supertrough Constructive interference

150 Vocabulary or Concept When two waves are in the same place at the same time and they superimpose temporarily to cancel each other out. Destructive interference

151 Vocabulary or Concept A wave that is formed due to reflection off a boundary and forms a pattern of interference which leads to nodes and antinodes Standing Wave

152 Vocabulary or Concept The name given to the angle from the normal line as it approaches a boundary between two mediums Incident Angle

153 Vocabulary or Concept When light or other transverse wave can be filtered for a specific orientation Polarization

154 Vocabulary or Concept When light is given off by an atom as electrons fall between energy levels emission

155 Vocabulary or Concept The low point on a wave trough

156 Vocabulary or Concept The high point on a wave crest

157 Vocabulary or Concept The bouncing of a wave off of a surface at an angle equal to the incident angle Reflection

158 Vocabulary or Concept A change in speed or direction of an object with respect to time acceleration

159 Vocabulary or Concept A particle made up of three quarks. Baryon

160 Vocabulary or Concept The force which causes an object to follow a circular path. Centripetal force

161 Vocabulary or Concept A material which allows electrons to flow easily (lots of free electrons) Conductor

162 Vocabulary or Concept The base unit for electric charge of a particle. Coulomb

163 Vocabulary or Concept The point on a standing wave that undergoes constructive interference Anti-node

164 Vocabulary or Concept The term for discrete (non- continuous) energy levels with an atom quantized

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