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IF C LAUSES Type 1 REAL CONDITION. IF CLAUSES / CONDITIONALS Type – 1 Real Condition It expresses a REAL POSSIBILITY in the future. We make it in three.

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Presentation on theme: "IF C LAUSES Type 1 REAL CONDITION. IF CLAUSES / CONDITIONALS Type – 1 Real Condition It expresses a REAL POSSIBILITY in the future. We make it in three."— Presentation transcript:


2 IF CLAUSES / CONDITIONALS Type – 1 Real Condition It expresses a REAL POSSIBILITY in the future. We make it in three ways. -We use WILL to show our STRONG EXPECT. -We use CAN, MAY, MIGHT to show something that is possible, but we arent sure about what will happen. -We use IMPERATIVES in the main clause.

3 If you dont hurry, you WILL be late. If you pass the exam, you WILL get a driving license. If Clause, main clause If ………………………., ………………………………………. Main clauseIf clause Present simple geniş zaman Simple future WILL

4 If my parents agree, I will have a birthday party. If Gökçen goes out without her coat, she will catch a cold. If they have enough money, Berk and Engin will buy a new bicycle If you dont invite Şenay to the party, she will be upset. We use WILL to show our STRONG EXPECT.

5 If you are hungry, Nazlıcan will make something to eat. If I earn a lot of money, I will fly to New York. If Berkcan doesnt run, he will miss the plane. If we dont get help soon, we will die. We use WILL to show our STRONG EXPECT.

6 If I see Şifanur tonight, I will call her to the party. If we go to Istanbul on holiday, we will visit Topkapı Palace. If he continues smoking, His health will get worse. If I get a loan from the bank, I will change my car. We use WILL to show our STRONG EXPECT.

7 I will have a birthday party if my parents agree. Gökçen will catch a cold if She goes out without her coat. Berk and Engin will buy a new bicycle if they have enough money. Şenay will be upset if you dont invite her to the party.

8 If you are hungry, Nazlıcan can make something to eat. If I earn a lot of money, I may fly to New York. If Berkcan doesnt run, he might miss the plane. If we dont get help soon, we may die. We use CAN, MAY, MIGHT to show something that is possible, but we a rent sure about what will happen.

9 If your mother is tired, you will cook the dinner. If your mother is tired, you can cook the dinner. If your mother is tired, COOK the dinner.

10 If you feel ill, you will see a doctor. If you feel ill, you may see a doctor. If you feel ill, SEE a doctor.

11 If you have a tootache, you will go to the dentist. If you have a tootache, you might go to the dentist. If you have a tootache, GO to the dentist.

12 If the weather is cold, you will take your hat. If the weather is cold, you can take your hat. If the weather is cold, TAKE your hat.

13 He …………………….. (open) window if you ……………………. (be) hot. If she …………………….. (be) hungry, she …………………….. (eat ) something. If you …………………….. (drink) coffee, you …………………….. (drink) tea. If you …………………….. (want) to be a good student, you …………………….. (study) hard. will openare iswill eat drinkwont drink wantwill study

14 You …………………….. understand better, if you …………………….. more carefully. can, must, will, should / listen, listens, will listen You …………………….. wear your coat, if it is …………………….. should, shouldnt / cold, not cold, sunny, rainy Call me, if you …………………….. late. were, will be, are, be

15 It will be cheaper if we …………………….. (go) by bus. If the phone (ring) …………………….., can you answer it, please? If you are hungry, …………………….. (have) something to eat. go ringS have

16 We use I F to say that something may happen We use WHEN to talk about something that we think will DEFINITELY HAPPEN. Bir ş eyin olma veya olmama ihtimali oldu ğ unda IF kullanılır. E ğ er bir ş eyin KES İ N olarak olaca ğ ını dü ş ünüyorsak WHEN kullanırız. I F / W H E N

17 If / w h e n …………………….. Im late this evening, dont wait for me. Im going to do some shopping now. ……………………..I come back, we can have lunch. Im thinking of going to see Fatmanur, ……………………..I go, will you come with me? Ça ğ atay is still at school. ……………………..he leaves school, he wants to go to university. I f w h e n I f

18 If / w h e n Were going to Madrid next week. We havent got anywhere to stay – we hope to find a hotel …………………………we arrive. I dont know what we will do …………………………we dont find anywhere. w h e n If

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