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Health Promotion During Pregnancy Self-care needs  Bathing  Breast care  Dental care  Perineal hygiene  Sexual activity  Exercise  Sleep  Work.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Promotion During Pregnancy Self-care needs  Bathing  Breast care  Dental care  Perineal hygiene  Sexual activity  Exercise  Sleep  Work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Promotion During Pregnancy Self-care needs  Bathing  Breast care  Dental care  Perineal hygiene  Sexual activity  Exercise  Sleep  Work  Travel

2  Fatigue  Muscle cramps  Hypotension  Varicosities  Breast discomfort  Palmar erythemia  Constipation  Nausea, Vomiting  Hemorrhoids  Heart palpitations  Frequency of urination  Abdominal discomfort  Leukorrhea First-Trimester Discomforts

3  Backache  Headache  Dyspnea  Ankle edema  Braxton Hicks contractions Middle to Late Pregnancy Discomforts

4 Teratogens Any factor that adversely affects fertilized ovum, embryo or fetus

5 Factors Influence Damage Strength Timing Affinity for tissue

6 Teratogenic Fetal Exposure  Maternal infections:  TORCH  Toxoplasmosis  Rubella  Cytomegalovirus  Herpes simplex virus

7 Teratogenic Fetal Exposure  Syphilis  Lyme disease  Infections that cause illness at birth  Gonorrhea, candida, chlamydia, StrepB, Hepititis B  Live Vaccine Virus

8 Teratogenic Fetal Exposure  Environmental:  Metal and chemical,Radiation,Hyperthermia and hypothermia  Maternal stress  Drugs: Pregnancy Risk Categories  A,B,C,D,X  Alcohol: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome  Cigarettes

9 Preparing for Labor  Lightening  Show  Rupture of membranes  Excess energy  Uterine contractions

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