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Assessment-based Intervention Lyn-Su Otto, M.Ed. Assistant Professor and Primary Interventionist Certifications: Elementary Gr.1-6; Reading consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment-based Intervention Lyn-Su Otto, M.Ed. Assistant Professor and Primary Interventionist Certifications: Elementary Gr.1-6; Reading consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment-based Intervention Lyn-Su Otto, M.Ed. Assistant Professor and Primary Interventionist Certifications: Elementary Gr.1-6; Reading consultant K-Adult The Henry Barnard Laboratory School of Rhode Island College Marybeth Cannon, M.A., Ed. M., M.Ed. Assistant Professor and Intermediate Interventionist Certifications: Elementary Gr.1-6; Reading Consultant K-Adult; Special Educator-Mild and Moderate

2 What Are Some of the Purposes of Assessment? for Prospective and Current Students Identifying a student’s strengths Identifying a student’s needs Ensure availability of appropriate educational services Research Design appropriate and responsive curriculum

3 When and Where Does Assessment Take Place? In each environment students use Throughout the entire day, every day throughout the academic year Who Assesses Students ? Professionals at RIC/HBS working with students What Types of Assessments Are Used?

4 Informal Assessment Gathering Multiple Data Points Anecdotal Records, Tally Sheets, Rubrics, Student Work, Video Recordings, Audio Recordings

5 Reviewing performances in whole class Reviewing performances in small group Reviewing performances in individual settings Observing students playing at recess Observing students walking down a corridor Listening to articulation, speech patterns and vocabulary Noting how students interact with peers Determining how a student responds to simple and multi-step directions Noting how a student holds a pencil, legibility of work, and use of materials Assessing facility with which students make transitions Assessing how students perform in Specialist classrooms Listening to parental concerns, student concerns, and concerns of classroom and specialist teachers Evaluating learning strategies and modalities

6 Formal Assessments Gathering Multiple Data Points

7 Academic Record

8 Test of Early Reading Ability (TERA) Assesses: ▫Early Reading in Children Ages 3-6 through 6-8 Characteristics: ▫Norm Referenced Purpose: 1)Identify strengths and weaknesses 2)Identify children significantly below their peers in reading development who may be candidates for early intervention 3)Document progress as a consequence of early reading intervention programs 4)Serve as a measure in research studying reading development in young children 5)To accompany other assessment techniques

9 Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) Assesses: ▫Word Reading ▫Reading ▫Sentence Comprehension ▫Spelling ▫Math Computation Characteristics: ▫Norm Referenced Purpose: The Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT4) is a quick, simple, and psychometrically sound measure of fundamental academic skills.

10 Reading and Writing Assessments

11 Group Reading Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation (GRADE) Characteristics: ▫Group Administration ▫Diagnostic ▫Norm Referenced Assesses: Pre-reading ▫Reading readiness ▫Vocabulary ▫Comprehension ▫Oral language ▫Listening Skill Purpose:  Assess students mastery of skills Gr. 1- 5  Determine what reading skills need to be taught  Monitor progress /growth  Administered Fall and Spring

12 Fountas and Pinell Benchmark Assessment System Monitor reading level three times each year. Yields level for reading accuracy, fluency, and detailed information and scores on comprehension. Optional assessments to monitor progress in phonemic awareness, phonics, letter learning, and high frequency word knowledge. System 2 /30 Grades 3-8, Levels L-Z System 1 /28 Gr. K-2 Levels A-N

13 Gray Oral Reading Test (GORT) Assesses: ▫Reading Rate ▫Accuracy ▫Fluency ▫Comprehension Characteristics: ▫Norm Referenced Purpose: 1)Aid in determining the particular kinds of reading strengths and weaknesses that individual students possess 1)Identify those students who are significantly below their peers in oral reading proficiency /who may profit from supplemental help 2)Document students’ progress in reading as a consequence of special intervention programs 3)Research -measurement - studying the reading abilities of school-aged students

14 Gray Silent Reading Test (GSRT) Assesses: ▫Silent Reading Comprehension Characteristics: ▫Norm Referenced Purpose: 1)Determine areas of relative strength and weakness across reading comprehension abilities 2)Identify individuals whose independent silent reading scores are significantly below their peers / who need additional assessment and intervention designed to improve reading comprehension 3)Document overall progress in reading development as a consequence of intervention programs 4)To serve as a measure for research efforts designed to investigate reading comprehension

15 Gray Diagnostic Reading Tests (GDRT) Assesses: ▫Reading Ability Characteristics ▫Norm Referenced Purpose: 1)To determine strengths and weaknesses in reading skills 2)To document progress in reading programs 3)To diagnose specific reading problems – monitor impact of intervention(s) 4)Research tool for use in continuing the examination of reading

16 Wilson Assessment of Decoding and Encoding - W.A.D.E. Assesses knowledge of phonics (sounds), spelling, and sentence spelling. Assists in identifying students /groups who will benefit from the Wilson Reading System ®. Provides low- and high- level vocabulary options, as well as both mastery and achievement scoring. DESCRIPTION: Criterion-referenced Individually administered

17 The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) Kindergarten Assesses: ▫Phonological Awareness ▫Alphabetic Principle ▫Fluency with Connected Text ▫Vocabulary ▫Comprehension Characteristics: ▫Individual Administration ▫Fall, Mid-Year, Spring Purpose: ▫Short (one minute) fluency measures ▫Used to regularly monitor the development of early literacy and early reading skills.

18 EasyCBM (Curriculum Based Monitoring) Monthly Word Reading Fluency

19 EasyCBM (Curriculum Based Monitoring) Monthly Passage Reading Fluency

20 EasyCBM (Curriculum Based Monitoring) Monthly Reading Comprehension

21 EasyCBM (Curriculum Based Monitoring) Monthly Mathematics

22 KeyMath Assesses: 1) Basic Concepts: Numeration Rational Numbers Geometry 2) Operations: Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Mental Computation 3)Applications: Measurement Time and Money Estimation Interpreting Data Problem Solving Purpose: 1)Identify instructional level student is operating at 2)Guide remedial/enrichment instruction 3) Evaluate educational growth 4) Assess the scope, currency, an efficacy of a mathematics curriculum

23 Test of Written Language (TOWL) Assesses: Written Language: Vocabulary Spelling Punctuation Logical Sentences Sentence Combining, Contextual Conventions Story Composition Characteristics: ▫Grades 3 and above ▫Norm Referenced Purpose: 1)Determine students’ strengths and weaknesses /writing abilities 2)Identify needs for differentiation of writing curriculum 3)Document students’ progress in writing 4)Serve as measurement tool in writing research

24 Wide Range Assessment of Visual Motor Abilities (WRAVMA) Purpose: ▫Assess integrated visual- motor ability ▫visual-spatial ability ▫fine motor ability Characteristics: ▫Norm Referenced

25 See It Right! Assesses: ▫Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome (visual-perception problem due to light sensitivity) Characteristics: ▫Research Based ▫Child Self-Reporting Scoring Purpose: ▫To identify and remediate visual perceptual problems caused by a sensitivity to light

26 Woodcock Johnson Achievement Test Assesses: ▫Oral Expression ▫Listening Comprehension ▫Written Expression ▫Basic Reading Skills ▫Reading Comprehension ▫Reading Fluency ▫Math Calculation Skills ▫Math Reasoning Characteristics: ▫Norm Referenced Purpose: ▫To diagnose learning disabilities ▫To assesses growth ▫To provide guidance in educational and clinical settings ▫To aid in planning individual education programs ▫To aid in the performance of psychological research


28 Response To Intervention Tier 3 – Special Education Tier 2 – Intervention Tier 1 – Classroom Universal Screening Accommodation/ Modification

29 A DVOCATES for C HILDREN T EAM Team Members: Guidance Counselor – Julie Richardson Primary Interventionist – Lyn-Su Otto Intermediate Interventionist – Marybeth Cannon Teacher Representative – Meg Sloyer Principal &/or Vice Principal – Dr. Lou/Mr. Starr Dr. Kara McDermott-Fasy – Special Education Dr. Shannon Dowd-Eagle – School Psychology Henry Barnard School Nurse - Health Responsibilities: 1) To gather data on student performance 2) To determine course of action to ensure that each student receives appropriate services 3) To monitor Tier 1, 2, and 3 services and make recommendations Process: Referral Review Meeting Determination Notification Implementation Monitoring Review

30 Thank you for inviting us to talk with you about some of the Assessments that are available here at The Henry Barnard Laboratory School.

31 If you would like more information about Assessment or Educational Resources VISIT: CANNON’S CORNERCANNON’S CORNER THERE ARE TWO WAYS TO REACH CANNON’S CORNER 1) Access through HBS Website: Faculty: Cannon CLICK ON 172 to go directly to page OR 2) Enter “Teacher Web” in search engine Click on: Find Your Teacher Pull down menu: Rhode Island Pull down menu: Henry Barnard School Pull down menu: Cannon

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