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Jeopardy Exam Review Mrs. Hayes Parenting Toddlers, Preschoolers & In-School Children.

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1 Jeopardy Exam Review Mrs. Hayes Parenting Toddlers, Preschoolers & In-School Children

2 ArticlesVideosToddlersPreschoolsMiscellaneous 100 200 300 400 500 I suggest you write down every question & answer!

3 Articles-100 True or False According to the article “Biting Basics” Biting back is an effective punishment.

4 Articles-200 True or False According to the article “Listen Up” parents should never label their child as being “bossy”.

5 Articles-300 True or False According to the handout “Is your toddler eating enough?” the serving recommendation for a kids meal is 1/3 hamburger patty and 6 French fries.

6 Articles-400 True or False According to the article “Listen Up” three and four year olds don’t yet have the ability to make a request discreetly.

7 Articles-500 True or False According to the article “Listen Up” Learning the conventions of conversational language (word choice, body language) is easy for preschoolers.

8 Videos-100 True or False According to the video “Parenting Preschoolers” spanking is affective.

9 Videos-200 True or False According to the video “Parenting Preschoolers” Children come into the word knowing what is expected of them.

10 Videos-300 True or False In the video “Parenting Preschoolers” the recommendation is for parents to never put the child, themselves or their spouse down.

11 Videos-400 According to the video “Parenting Preschoolers” bedwetting is A. A habit B. Done for attention C. An avoidable accident D. Done on purpose

12 Videos-500 True or False According to the video “Parenting Preschoolers” sibling rivalry is normal and will end when your youngest child enters puberty

13 Toddlers-100 True or False A toddler learns the meaning of “no”

14 Toddlers-200 A toddler can developmentally do all of the following except: A. climb stairs B. make up stories C. recognize many colors D. climbs stairs

15 Toddlers-300 Tell me 3 things you can do to toddler- proof your home

16 Toddlers-400 Toddlers often bite others because they: A. Lack language skills B. Are over stimulated C. Are crowded D. All of the Above E. A & B Only

17 Toddlers-500 True or False Parents should not pressure or push their children into potty training.

18 Preschools-100 True or False Children will act orderly in a preschool if the preschool room is orderly.

19 Preschools-200 Preschool facilities should include all of the following except: A. space for messy play B. space for pretend play C. large open field for outdoor play D. a place to work quietly E. a place to eat

20 Preschools-300 True or False In a Day Care setting Preschoolers need a variety of toys for play.

21 Preschools-400 The trend in enrollment in Preschool is A. increasing B. decreasing C. staying the same D. there is no information

22 Preschools-500 Name at least 5 centers found in a typical Preschool classroom

23 Misc.-100 True or False It is important for children to eat from the five food groups every day.

24 Misc.-200 True or False A child's experience starting school is influenced by his preparation and his parents' feelings and attitude.

25 Misc.-300 True or False There are non academic skills a child can develop both at home and in preschool to prepare them for school.

26 Misc.-400 What do most parents want for their children? A. Independence B. Self-Esteem C. Self- Satisfaction D. Joy

27 Misc.-500 A parent should use __________ as a reward for their child’s good behavior and following the rules. A. toys B. food C. attention D. gifts

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