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Writing Workshop. What do YOU write? Benefits of writing Being a “good” writer Writing more = improved, deeper writing Better writer= better thinker.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Workshop. What do YOU write? Benefits of writing Being a “good” writer Writing more = improved, deeper writing Better writer= better thinker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Workshop

2 What do YOU write?

3 Benefits of writing Being a “good” writer Writing more = improved, deeper writing Better writer= better thinker

4 Do you ever struggle with ideas? 1. Writing can be complex! Lots of ideas swirling in our heads We tend to summarize Ex: “The trip was fun.” 2. We think faster than we can write 3. You don’t write for yourself Who do you write for?

5 Writing Class vs. Writing Workshop All students work on the same prompt Focus is on the finished product Work outside of class Product is the goal Students have a choice of what they write Focus on the process Most work done in class Practice is the goal

6 How it works During the time you have to write each assignment you will get… Examples of the type of writing Mini lessons from the teacher Independent work time A preliminary grade Conference time

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