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Infant Health and Wellness

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1 Infant Health and Wellness

2 Keeping baby clean Bathing a baby How to bathe a baby
Prepare for the baby’s bath Gather everything ahead of time: bathtub, towels, washcloths, shampoo, 2 inches warm water, clothes Put the baby in the tub Support head and neck and lower feet first Wash the baby’s face and pat dry Wash and rinse the baby’s hair about 2 times a week Pour water to sides and back of baby’s head Wash the baby’s body Dry the baby’s body and dress to prevent chills Cradle cap – skin condition known for yellowish crusty patches on the scalp

3 Keeping a baby clean continued…
Diapering a baby (most essential part of their wardrobe) times a day at first diaper rash – a condition that includes patches of rough, red, irritated skin in the diaper area; sometimes painful raw spots; prevent by controlling bacteria in diapers; treat with medicated cream and frequent diaper changes Diaper options Disposable diapers Pro: Convenient -Con: sensitivity Pro: Keep drier -Con: add significantly to environmental waste Cloth diapers Pro: most economical if washed at home Con: more expensive if use diaper service Pro: environmentally friendly Combination (cloth at home, disposable when out)

4 Designate (specify) a changing area
Any flat, clean surface Changing tables are good because they have sides (but never leave alone) Supplies: washcloths, disposable wet wipes, and dry wipes How to change a diaper Remove the diaper and clean the baby Put on a fresh diaper Hold ankles and lift the body to slide diaper underneath Fasten with adhesive tabs or with diaper pins or diaper tape Add plastic or cloth diaper cover over cloth diaper if desire With cloth put folded part in back for girls and front for boys Dispose of used supplies Throw out in trash container with a lid Rinse in flushing toilet and then soaked in covered container filled with water, detergent and bleach (later wash in hot water with mild detergent)

5 Safe child healthy child – respiratory syncytial virus
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) affects nearly all babies by the age of two. In adults and children, RSV usually causes mild, cold like symptoms. In premature babies, it can develop into a serious respiratory illness. High risk children who are infected with RSV often need to be hospitalized. Parents and other caregivers should follow these steps to help a baby stay free of RSV Always wash hands with warm water and soap before touching the baby Keep the baby away from anyone with a runny nose, cold, or fever Keep the baby away from smoke Be prepared. All babies are at risk for RSV. Many are infected with it. When diagnosed, there are a number of treatments depending on the severity and risk level of the baby. Do research to find common treatments for RSV. Share your information in an oral presentation to your class.

6 Health care Teeth Begins about sixth week of pregnancy
Break thru gums around 6 months Once emerge (appear) begin cleaning them regularly (can begin by cleaning gums regularly before teeth even appear) Get fluoride (water) or supplements First set = primary teeth and are all in by 20 months Second set = permanent teeth and begin around 6 years

7 Teeth continued…. Teething begins around 4 months – process of the teeth pushing their way through the gums (gums are swollen and tender so it is often painful) Cranky Fuss during meals Drool Low-grade fever Want to chew on something hard Treatment Massaging gums Chew on cold, hard, unbreakable object (refrigerated teething ring) Medication (generally not recommended – ask doctor)

8 Health Care continued….
Infant safety concern: prevent accidents before they happen Choking Keep floors clean of small objects: buttons, coins, pins Do not feed solid food before the doctor says it is safe Make sure food is in small pieces and soft and not a hazard until at least 3 years of age Suffocation Keep any soft, flexible objects and bags away from infant as they can cover their nose and mouth Keep stuffed animals and blankets out of crib Water Never lean alone near water (bucket, bathtub or wading pool) – only takes 1-2 inches of water to drown Falls Don’t leave alone on any raised area (bed, changing table, couch…)

9 Health Care continued….
Poisoning Babies put everything in their mouth Keep out of reach and Lock up: personal care products, medicines, household cleaners, paints, garden and garage products and other poisonous substances Keep plants out of reach Burns Never leave near hot liquids, ovens or irons Cover electrical outlets Keep water heater set at no higher than 120 degrees F Sun Wear sunglasses and hats with brim Avoid direct sun exposure (lightweight long pants and shirts) Can use sunscreen after 6 months (some recommend 1 year) Animals Don’t know how to act around so don’t leave alone with Clothing Flame retardant (especially sleep wear)

10 Health care continued….
Regular checkups First is within a day of birth All parts of body, reflexes, fontanels, heart rate, breathing, skin color, umbilical stump, nostrils, mouth, eyes, measure weight, length and head circumference, blood sample to test for disorders and diseases, follow up visit 2-3 days later Additional: 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months and 12 months Answer parents questions and concerns

11 The importance of immunizations
Immunization – shot of a small amount of a dead or weakened disease-carrying germ given so that the body may build resistance to the disease. Vaccine – most common way to immunize; germ is injected into the body One of most important things a caregiver can provide The body produces antibodies to fight off the germ so that if exposed, he or she already has the antibodies and will be less likely to get the disease or will only get a mild form of it. State and school regulations require certain ones (this includes child care centers) Keep a record Watching for illness

12 Schedule of Immunizations pg 552
vaccine birth 1 mo 2 mo 4 mo 6 mo 12 mo 15 mo 18 mo 24 mo 4-6 yrs 11-12 yrs 13-18 yrs Hep B *1 2 3 4 DPT 1 5 B H. Inf. B Polio Measles, mumps, rubella Varicella (chic pox) Pneumococcal Influenza yrly Hep A

13 Expert advice “Even healthy infants have days when they don’t feel so good. Germs are all around us, and infections such as coughs and colds, stomach upsets and eye problems are not uncommon in young infants.” -Donald Schiff, MD and Steven Shelov, MD, co-editors, The American Academy of Pediatrics Guide to your Child’s Symptoms: the Official, Complete Home Reference, Birth Through Adolescence

14 Watching for illness Signs symptoms Irritability Lack of energy
Constipation Nasal congestion Persistent coughing Diarrhea Rashes Vomiting fever symptoms

15 Questions Keeping Baby Healthy. Bathing is an important step in keeping a baby clean. Why should you never leave a baby alone in a bathtub? Caring for baby. Changing diapers is a significant part of a caregiver’s responsibility. Why is changing diapers regularly? Developing teeth. Teething oftn causes discomfort. How can parents and caregivers provide relief?

16 After you read 7.3 1. Explain how a sponge bath is different from a tub bath 2. Describe what happens during a baby’s regular check up. 3. (ELA) Imagine that you are caring for a six month old baby. You have put her down for a nap but she begins to cry. What techniques could you use to get the baby to stop crying? Write a list of suggestions 4. (SS) Methods for diapering a baby differ from country to country. Choose a country in a different part of the world and research the baby diapering methods used. Write step by step directions and demonstrate the method for the class.

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