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SUMMER 2014.  Chronology  Primary/Secondary sources  Anachronisms  Key terms over the year. History Final will be 75minutes long.3 sections. Section.

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Presentation on theme: "SUMMER 2014.  Chronology  Primary/Secondary sources  Anachronisms  Key terms over the year. History Final will be 75minutes long.3 sections. Section."— Presentation transcript:

1 SUMMER 2014

2  Chronology  Primary/Secondary sources  Anachronisms  Key terms over the year. History Final will be 75minutes long.3 sections. Section A= Multiple Choice from old quizzes and class work. Section B= Pick two essays titles from any of these; - Julius Caesar’s death? How safe were Roman towns? What did the Romans do for entertainment? Romans civilised? Romans tolerance? Why did the west collapse but the East survive? Roman legacy? Section C= Sources skills: reliable, useful, primary or secondary.

3  Founders of Rome twin brother connection  Raised by some wild animal?  Sea that separated the Roman Empire from Africa  The turning points for the Romans, there were 2.  Famous defensive range of mountains protecting the Romans  The new type of government for the various types of citizens of Rome.  Famous Roman generals that competed for support.  How did the Republic end?  What was life like in living in Rome? Diet? Jobs? Shopping? Entertainment?  How was the Rome fed and supplied?  Do I know the name for the different types of soldiers?  Were the Romans civilised? What makes people civilised?  Which part of the Empire collapsed first? East or West? North or South?  Roman legacy: language; religion; calendar etc

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