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Arleth Features Presents The Battle of the Books 2014.

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2 Arleth Features Presents The Battle of the Books 2014

3 Be a Star at Your Library… READ!

4 WWho All Second and Third grade actors. HHow R ead at least four featured books on your Admission Ticket. C olor the star next to each book read. H ave your agent initial next to each book read. WWhen Submit your Admission Ticket to Mrs. Gunter, Producer, by Friday, February 28, 2014. NO EXCEPTIONS! admission!

5 BBookmark Earn a Be a Star bookmark when you turn in your Admission Ticket. BBulletin Board Earn a gold star for each book read on your mini Admission Ticket for the bulletin board display. PPhoto Op Have a Hollywood head shot taken when you turn in your completed Admission Ticket. publicity!

6 CCasts T o be announced the week of March 3 A ctors for each cast will represent all homerooms. N o changes will be made. 1 Director will be selected for each cast. Casting Call!

7 DDirectors Must read all 7 of the featured books Directors will be selected from all who qualify. RResponsibilities: S pokesperson for the cast A ssigns which book each actor will study. P romotes team spirit, unity, and good sportsmanship. directors!

8 PPrepare R ead each book two times. R ead your study book 3-4 times. SStudy C ollect details about plot, characters, and settings of your study book. A sk your friends questions about your book; try to answer their questions. RRehearse A ttend 3 rehearsal meetings. P articipate in the practice battle in school. Rehearsal!

9 Featured Title!







16 The Battle of the Books 2014 2014 Be a Star at Your Library… READ!

17 The end!

18 credits An Arleth Features Production Produced and Directed by Mrs. Gunter Photography by Mrs. Gunter

19 starring Trouble with Chickens JJ Tully, Vince the Funnel, Moosh, Dirt,& Sugar Stone Fox Little Willy, Searchlight, & Stone Fox On the Dog Andrew, Thudd, & Judy Who Was Amelia Earhart? Amelia Mary Earhart Tut Tut Joe, Sam, Fred, Anna, & Thutmose III Charlotte’s Web Fern, Wilbur, & Charlotte Nicky Fifth’s Garden State Adventure Nicky Fifth, T-Bone, Nicky’s family

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