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A Study of Reform Movements and the Growth of the United States

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1 A Study of Reform Movements and the Growth of the United States
American Evolution A Study of Reform Movements and the Growth of the United States

2 Immigration Push Factors: Pull Factors: Political Persecution
No Social Mobility No religious Freedom No Job Opportunities War/Refugees Famine/No Food No Education No Chance to Own Land No Family Pull Factors: Political Freedom Social Mobility Religious Freedom Jobs No Wars/Military Service Food…”Land of Plenty” Public Education Abundant Land out West Family Sends “American Letters”

3 Irish Immigrants 1. Came during the 1830’s and 40’s because of the “Great Potato Famine” 2. Immigrated to the Cities: New York, Boston, Philadelphia, because too poor to move west. 3. Hated because of low work skills, Poor Education, and Roman Catholic Faith. 4. Worked on Railroads, Canals, and in Houses and competed with free African Americans for Jobs

4 The Ancient Order of Hibernians:
Helping the Irish The Ancient Order of Hibernians: A Semisecret Society Originally Founded in Ireland Helped Provide: Food Job Training Education Childcare Housing

5 The Germans Arrive in the US between 1830-60
Immigrate to the Mid-West, West and begin farming. Support liberal ideas such as Abolition and Early Childhood Ed. (Kindergarten) Introduce: Pretzel, Bratwurst, Strudel, Beer, & Christmas Tree

6 Nativism Native Born Americans who opposed new immigrants were called “Nativists” Nativists believed There was a vast Catholic Conspiracy by the Pope to take over the U.S. Formed the “Order of the Star Spangled Banner” to fight Immigration.

7 NINA To Prevent the Irish from gaining Social Mobility, Many Nativists would place NINA signs in their Shop Windows. Songs (on the right) would be distributed and sung at Nativist Rallies.

8 Know Nothing Party After 1.8 million Catholic Immigrants arrive, Nativists form the “Know Nothing Party” The Party Platform Promoted: Anti Immigration laws Attacks on Nuns, Priests, Churches Supporters say, “I know nothing”

9 “Putting-Out System” Before Industrialization, manufacturing was “home based”. Local merchants provided raw materials to households to be turned into manufactured goods. With Canals & Railroads, Sales of Goods skyrocket, and need for more efficient methods grows.

10 The Slater Mills Samuel Slater brought industrial secrets from England in the 1780’s. By 1790, Slater opened the Slater Mills in PAwtucket, Rhode Island. The factory produced Cotton yarn, that was then sent to local households to be turned into clothing.

11 Francis Cabot Lowell Worked as spy in English Textile Mills, memorizing how the hydro-powered looms were constructed. Created the Lowell Mills in 1814 First businessman to consolidate all stages of production, including housing labor. Follows the Waltham System

12 The Lowell Girls Young women 9-18 recruited from local farms
Paid $14-18 a month The “Mill Girls” must: Follow Curfew Attend Church Not Date Live in the Dorms attached to the Factory Eventually Strike for higher wages/Rights

13 The Lowell Mills in Operation

14 Eli Whitney Best known for two Major Developments:
Interchangeable Parts: Developed originally for the Fed. Government for the mass production of rifles.

15 The Cotton Gin Removes seeds from Cotton Fibers and prolongs the institution of Slavery

16 Cyrus McCormick Builds the first mechanical reaper
Markets invention to farmers in the mid-west and west by 1850 Helps in the boom of wheat production prior too, and following the Civil War

17 Isaac Singer Improved the sewing machine invented by Elias Howe in 1846 Becomes the foundation of the “ready made” clothing industry. One of the “Must Have” items of every American Home.

18 Samuel F. B. Morse Invents the Telegraph, originally to help the hard of hearing in 1844 Uses a set of dots and dashes to send magnetic pulses through copper wire. (Morse Code) Sends information across great distances. Is the founder of the Information Age.

19 Peter Cooper’s Tom Thumb
Steam Locomotive invented in 1830 Revolutionizes travel, and carries cargo/people 13 miles to Baltimore, travelling at 10mph.

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