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1a)I can identify the hypothesis and the conclusion of a conditional 1b)I can determine if a conditional is true or false 1c)I can write the converse of.

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Presentation on theme: "1a)I can identify the hypothesis and the conclusion of a conditional 1b)I can determine if a conditional is true or false 1c)I can write the converse of."— Presentation transcript:

1 1a)I can identify the hypothesis and the conclusion of a conditional 1b)I can determine if a conditional is true or false 1c)I can write the converse of a conditional

2 A statement in the if-then format. Conditional statements are often called conditionals for short. Example: If a shape has four equal sides, then its a square.



5 To determine if a conditional is true or false you have to use all of your math knowledge. 1 st : Read the conditional 2 nd : Determine whether or not the if and then parts make the statement true or false. HINT: If one part does not make the other part true then its a false statement. Lets practice…

6 Determine if these conditionals are true or false. 1. If a shape has four 90° angles, then it has to be a rectangle. 1. False: Because it could be a square too 2. If an integer is negative, then it is less than zero. 2. True: because any number less than zero is a negative number. Think of a number line.

7 Whats a converse? A statement where the hypothesis and conclusion are reversed. The conditional statement "If this then that" becomes "If that then this Lets use our favorite example... Here is our conditional: If a shape has four equal sides, then its a square. Now here is our converse: If a its a square, then it has for equal sides.

8 When writing converses they can Change a false conditional to a true conditional. Change a true conditional to a false conditional Can keep the conditional still true or false

9 Write the converse for these conditionals: 1. If a shape has four 90° angles, then it has to be a rectangle. 1. If its a rectangle, then is has four 90° angles. Notice now how after writing this converse it now makes it a true statement. 2. If an integer is negative, then it is less than zero. 2. If an integer is less than zero, then its negative. This statement is still true even after we changed it.

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