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 Graduation Date: May 13, 2013. SALMEN HIGH SENIOR NIGHT SENIOR YEAR !!!!!!!!!!

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1  Graduation Date: May 13, 2013



4 SStudent PParent TTeacher CCounselor

5  To graduate - 24 TOTAL CREDITS  IF YOUR CHILD IS STRUGGLING,consider getting a tutor, talking to the teacher, setting up a conference….NOW. Don’t wait until it’s too late.

6  Students must PASS THE GEE 21 English, Math AND Science or Social Studies.  Seniors who have not yet passed the required components of the GEE have one more opportunity to pass the test before the graduation ceremony. The GEE will be given October 22 -25. If a senior fails it at that time, he/she cannot participate in the graduation ceremony.

7  Register to take or retake the ACT. The October, December, and February tests will be given at Salmen. Go to  Regular registration fee is $47.00 with Writing. Register now to avoid late fee. If a student receives reduced or free lunch, he/she is entitled to TWO fee waivers (in lifetime). Student needs to see his/her counselor for the waiver.  Your registration fee includes sending scores to FOUR (4) colleges you select when you register.  Students eligible for TOPS should enter the TOPS code which is 1595.  LSU’s code is 1590  SLU’s code is 1608  Delgado’s code is 1577  Check the registration information for more codes

8  It is your responsibility to release and send your scores!  Salmen High School Test Code---192-748  TOPS code should be a score choice: 1595  Order the test you take: December, April and June

9 Procedure:  First, courteously ask the teacher.  Provide the teacher with a folder that contains a cover sheet with names and deadlines and any necessary rec forms. You might provide a resume and an example of outstanding work done in class.  Be sure to fill out the personal student information section at the top of the form.

10  Organize the forms in a timely manner.  Provide stamped, addressed envelopes  Remember: Teachers write recommendations on their own time.  Always thank teachers for taking the time to write. Keep them informed. They are interested in your success!

11  ATHLETES: Register online with the NCAA ( )  You will need a credit card number or….if your child receives free or reduced lunch, he/she is entitled to a registration fee waiver: ($50)  Bring transcript release forms to the counseling office or school registrar.  Ms. Dejanae Green is available to help potential college athletes.

12 ..  Pell Grants  Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG)  Perkins Loans  Stafford Loans  PLUS (parental) Loans  Federal Work Study – College Work-Study  To apply for all of the above, complete the FAFSA after Jan. l, 2013 – priority consideration deadline is: MAY 1, 2013

13  Free Application for Federal Student Aid – FAFSA – cannot be completed until after January 1.  It will be processed MUCH quicker if it is completed online at  Paper copies can be requested by calling the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800- 4-FED-AID.  When you complete the FAFSA, you have applied for TOPS.

14  TO EARN THE TOPS OPPORTUNITY AWARD, a student must:  Complete all courses in the TOPS core curriculum with a grade point average in these courses of 2.5. Calculate your TOPS GPA: Go to or and go to Guidance/Tops Calculator.  AND  Earn an ACT score of 20 by the April 2013 test date  May take the June test and earn 20 for seven semesters’ paid tuition (The last semester is not covered by TOPS.)

15  TO APPLY:  complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) using income tax information from the calendar year 2012 by May 1  PLEASE NOTE THAT the Social Security Number that you enter must match the one entered on the ACT registration! (Check to make sure the SSN is correct on the school level. Major issues with TOPS money if incorrect.)  The FAFSA will also allow you to apply for institutional aid  Check to see if your college has a separate financial aid application.

16  Use the Internet to research private scholarships and grants and refer to the Louisiana Financial Aid Handbook which will be available at: under the Information Center.  Refer any questions about scholarships and financial aid to: 1-800-259-5626 ext. 1012 or by e-mail at:  Add the following to your list of Web sites: Everything you’ve always wanted to know about going to college in Louisiana – click “High School Students”  Check for updated lists on the Guidance Dept. website

17  Check on student’s work and grades. E-mail or call teachers if necessary. Free tutoring available after school.  Help your son/daughter do searches for colleges and scholarships.  Check the College Counseling Handbook for important phone numbers and web addresses.  Help student gather all applications for colleges and scholarships, and keep calendar of important deadlines. You should begin applying to college now. Students should listen to the morning announcements and check the Guidance website regularly for scholarship opportunities and deadlines.  Be aware of testing deadlines and fees.

18  The application for TOPS is the FAFSA. Paper copies are not supplied to the school. You can call to request one but you will get faster results by applying on the Web. And, if you make any mistakes, you can correct them immediately.  Complete the FAFSA by May 1, 2013 to avoid penalties.  Keep copies of everything you complete!  Help your son/daughter budget for all the expenses –ACT $47, college applications $15-50, visits to colleges, deposits on dorms, etc.

19  You must work with the Guidance Office in order to complete Transcript Request Forms for each school to which you are applying.  Transcript request forms are due 5 school days prior to the deadline.  Forms and deadlines are critical !

20  Louisiana colleges can access your transcript online. You do not have to send it to LA schools.  Attach the Counselor Recommendation/ School Report Form  Fill out the student section of these forms

21  Visit the Guidance Dept. Website and sign up for News Flash updates!  Read through the Senior Information Handbook. Keep it in a convenient place for reference!  Prospective College Athletes - register with the NCAA Clearinghouse at: ACT code 9999 (and remember Ms. Green)

22  Be aware of deadlines. For early applications, you must have your materials in three weeks before the deadline.  You must allow 5 school days to process your transcripts after the release form is turned in.  Be aware of necessary supplements to the common application form or to the college’s application. There may be several supplements (essays/questions) that you must answer.  Be sure to set up appointments with your counselors to discuss your application process, essays and recommendations. Stop by the office if you need help!

23  Even though they may be posted as being later, try to submit by November 1 st if you would like to get on the main campus of big state universities!  LSU’s Priority Deadline is now Nov. 15 for Early Notification, the Honors College and Scholarships.

24  Class Period Meetings  Evening Sessions Held at Hotels  Mini-Fairs sponsored by groups of schools  Campus Visits (be certain to take an official tour through the Admissions’ Offices)  Follow-up with e-mails and thank you notes (simple courtesies give mileage) See and talk to the college reps at :

25  Follow the school procedures for informing counselors and teachers about visits.  Seniors are allowed 2 excused absences for college visits.  Must bring proof of attendance for excused absence.

26 Main components to an application:  test scores  grades  rigor of courses  extracurricular activities Your essay and the teacher/counselor recommendations are heavily weighted.

27  Our community and technical colleges in the New Orleans area have all of the resources that you need to get started.  Check out the resources available on the Guidance Website about CAREERS and COMMUNITY COLLEGES!

28 Go to the Salmen High homepage and Click GUIDANCE on the left menu. Be sure to sign up for NEWS FLASH updates!!

29  Thanks for coming!! If you have any questions, call Mrs. Anderson or Mrs. Lyons at 649-7975.  Visit our website: Click GUIDANCE Visit the College Counseling Center website:

30 The better preparation, attention, and organization, the better the outcome. We know it seems overwhelming, but the Guidance Department is here to help. Chip away at that mountain!

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