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This made the king subject to law. This is also called great Charter.

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1 This made the king subject to law. This is also called great Charter.

2  Declared the supremacy of parliament.  This kept the King or Queen from passing new taxes or laws without Parliaments consent.  Parliament is like our House and Senate (CONGRESS)

3  A philosophical movement that emphasized the use of reason to examine old ideas and traditions.

4  Believed people and the government had a social contract.

5  The only way people could achieve liberty was through the separation of governmental powers.

6  Is a set of basic principals and laws that states the powers and duties of government.

7  Thomas Jefferson's document that declared that no person could be forced to attend a particular church or be required to pay for a church with tax money.

8  Thomas Jefferson wrote this Document  Declared that no person could be forced to attend a particular church or be required to pay for a church with tax money.

9  The right to VOTE  Only White men that paid taxes could vote at that time in America.

10  Was organized to create a national government.  13 people were on the committee. One from each col0ny.,  They were to discuss and Draft The Articles of Confederation.

11  Congress would become a single branch of the National Government, but it would still have limited powers in order to protect the liberties of the people.  Each state had one vote in congress.  Congress could settle conflicts among the states.  Make coins, borrow money and soldiers.

12  2 nd continental congress passed the Articles of Confederation.  Ratification: is an official approval.

13  Ratified the Articles of Confederation.  They wouldn’t ratify it until other states gave up their western land.

14  Set up a system for surveying and dividing western land.  Land was split into townships  36 square miles split into 36 lots  One lot was reserved for a public school.  4 lots were given to veterans.  Remaining lots were sold to the public.

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