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Welcome to Fourth Grade! Mrs. Skubic & Ms. Ferrara.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Fourth Grade! Mrs. Skubic & Ms. Ferrara."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Fourth Grade! Mrs. Skubic & Ms. Ferrara

2 All About Me Education: Bachelors Degree from University of Missouri-St. Louis in Elementary Education Paul VI Pontifical Institute through Saint Louis University Currently completing graduate work at University of Missouri-Saint Louis Experience: 4th grade teacher at St. Margaret of Scotland School Private tutoring with Achievia Tutoring Certification: Elementary grades 1-6 Religious Education

3 My Goals To provide an environment in which students feel safe and secure and where they are able to learn and have fun each day. To assist students in discovering their academic, social, and spiritual potential. To push students to work their hardest and be the best they can be. To create a connection between learning that occurs at home and learning that occurs at school.

4 Our Classroom Community Be Respectful Be Gentle Have Fun Responsibility Reflections Students will complete a Responsibility Reflection for behavior inconsistent with classroom or school rules or missing assignments Parents will be notified via email when their daughter is bringing a responsibility reflection home. If a student completes three reflection in a month, she will meet with Mrs. Karl. In cases of persistent problems, the student will be required to serve a Thursday morning detention.

5 Procedures Students are required to use the Student Planner as a means of keeping track of assignments and other important information. Students are required to use the Student Planner as a means of keeping track of assignments and other important information. Parents are requested to view the Student Planner each night. Parents are requested to view the Student Planner each night. Homework is due the next school day at the beginning of the class period unless otherwise stated in the student planner and teacher webpage. Homework is due the next school day at the beginning of the class period unless otherwise stated in the student planner and teacher webpage. Late homework will incur a grade deduction of 10% per school day. Late homework will incur a grade deduction of 10% per school day. Homework assignments can be viewed on my teacher webpage which can be found via VizOnline or at the address: Homework assignments can be viewed on my teacher webpage which can be found via VizOnline or at the address:

6 Attendance Students may enter the Core hallway at 7:50 and must be in homeroom by 8:00. Students not in homeroom at 8:00 are considered tardy, even if they are in the building. The school day closes with homeroom at 3:00 with dismissal at 3:15. Students not picked up by 3:40 are taken to AfterCare. If your child is going home with someone other than their regular carpool, please send a note.

7 Please call the office by 7:45. Absent work can be picked up between 3:15 and 7:00pm or sent home with another student. Students have one day for each absent day to complete missing work. Test or quiz make-up will occur on the day the student returns Long-term absences can greatly affect student progress. If an absence is planned, please inform me and Mrs. Karl at least one week prior and we will try to make arrangements for work to be given ahead of time. Try to schedule appointments before or after school or during lunch (12:00-12:45) Absences

8 Step Up to Writing demonstration, guided practice, and independent practice opportunities to enhance writing skills used along side the 6+1 Traits of writing Word Voyage web-based vocabulary program created by ERB provides whole language practice rather than memorization. IXL dynamic mathematics site provides individualized practice for each user. What's New?

9 Thank You! Thank you for providing me the opportunity to work with your daughter this year! Please contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns. 314-625-9187

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