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FI Slides These slides are intended to help you prepare flip charts and for active charting in conjunction with the FI Instructor Guide.

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Presentation on theme: "FI Slides These slides are intended to help you prepare flip charts and for active charting in conjunction with the FI Instructor Guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 FI Slides These slides are intended to help you prepare flip charts and for active charting in conjunction with the FI Instructor Guide

2 Welcome Financial Integrity Transforming Your Relationship With Money Session 1

3 Parking Lot

4 Why FI? Reduce stress about money Have more clarity about money Feel more in control Get out of debt Live within my means and save Be able to do the work I want to do Reconnect with my purpose in life Have more time for whats important to me

5 Introduce Yourself Name Location (town, neighborhood) One reason youre taking this course

6 Financial Integrity The 9 Steps (use the real logo here)

7 Financial Integrity Tips for Success Create a place for your materials. Be open. Pay attention when you feel resistance - its a learning moment. Customize the steps for you. Be patient - change can be hard. Keep a journal. Find support and friendship. Check out resources.

8 Fulfillment curve Step 1 – How much money has come into yout life and what you have to show for it Step 2 – Real hourly wage and tracking your money Step 3 – Monthly tabulation Review and plan for next session Session 1 – Overview

9 9 circles exercise

10 Fulfillment Curve Just getting started…

11 Fulfillment Curve Necessities/Survival

12 Fulfillment Curve Comforts

13 Fulfillment Curve Luxuries

14 Fulfillment Curve More luxuries The elusive high Clutter

15 Fulfillment Curve Enough

16 Group Activity

17 Necessities/Survival

18 Comforts

19 Luxuries

20 Clutter

21 Step 1 Lifetime Income and Personal Net Worth

22 Step 1 Lifetime Income Financial Sources:Amount Taxed income (SSA report) Untaxed jobs Selling stuff (cars, CDs) Allowance /spending money Gifts Interest on savings Total Lifetime Income $________

23 Step 1 Personal Balance Sheet OWNOWE Liquid Assets(+) Cash Value Liabilities(-) Cash Value Cash on handCar loan Bank AccountsSchool loans InvestmentsMortgage Credit Cards Hard AssetsPersonal Loan House Vehicles Personal items Total Own$_________Total Owe$_________ Personal Financial Net Worth Assets – Liabilities = $_______

24 Step 1 Liquid Assets

25 Step 1 Hard Assets

26 Step 1 Liabilities

27 Step 1 Personal Balance Sheet: a place to put assets & liabilities and determine your personal net worth OWNOWE Liquid Assets(+) Cash ValueLiabilities(-) Cash Value Cash on handCar loan Bank AccountsSchool loans InvestmentsMortgage Credit Cards Hard AssetsPersonal Loan House Vehicles Personal items Total Own$_________Total Owe$_________ Personal Financial Net Worth Assets – Liabilities = $_______

28 Step 1 SEE and ACCEPT your current reality REFLECT on the choices youve made UNDERSTAND that you have control over the future

29 Step 2 Real Hourly Wage & Tracking Your Money

30 Step 2 What is Money? Money =

31 Step 2 Money = a means of exchange

32 Step 2 Money = life energy Money is something you trade your life energy for How much of your life energy are you trading for money?

33 Step 2 Figuring out your RHW Work-related benefits Work-related expenses Work-related time

34 Step 2 Case study RHW

35 Step 2 RHW? Money = Your Life Energy Every time I spend about $__ I am trading about an hour of my life energy. Every time I buy ____ at $___, I am trading 30 minutes of my life energy.

36 Step 2 Tracking the flow of money in your life (case study)

37 Step 2 Questions What methods could be helpful for tracking every cent/dollar? What challenges do you anticipate? What opportunities?

38 Step 3 Monthly Tabulation Patterns, Categories, and Subcategories Gazingus Pins Translating your Categories Life Energy

39 Step 3 Sample Monthly Tabulation (notice the categories)

40 Step 3 Categories Subcategories Debt

41 Step 3 Gazingus Pins

42 Step 3 Case Study Monthly Tabulation Small Group Discussion Look at the whole chart, then choose one of two categories to discuss. What impact do you think the charting will have on the owner of this chart? What do you anticipate when you look at your own tabulation (hours of life energy)?

43 Introduction – The 9 Circles Exercise The Fulfillment Curve Step 1 - Your Lifetime Income and Personal Net Worth Step 2 - Money = Life Energy Calculating your Real Hourly Wage (RHW) Tracking Your Life Energy Step 3 – Patterns, Categories, and Subcategories Gazingus Pins Monthly Tabulations Translating your Categories RHW Session 1 – Review

44 Look over the handouts Start tracking your expenses. Why not? Well meet here at _____ on _____. See you then! Next Session

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