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CONTENT What is staff and how HQ looks Staff functions
Staff groups and what they do Task Sum up
REFERENCE US FM 5-0, The Operations Process, 2010
NATO, NATO Peace support operations doctrine, PUBLICINTRLLIGENCE, US FM 6-0 Mission command: Command and control of armed forces, 2003 US FM , Army leadership, 1999 US ADP 2-0, Intelligence, 2012 UK MOD JWP 3-50, 2nd Edition, The Military Contribution To Peace Support Operations, 2004 NATO AJP-3.4.1, Peace Support Operations, 2001 US FM Risk management, 1998.
Smart and Lazy: They are innovative type that does not rush into things, figures out the easiest way to accomplish a goal, has a strategic mind and long-term view. In two words – they are a good commander. Smart and Active: Such officers follows opportunities as they arise in real time, gets lots of stuff done. Not a great leader but great managers – best suited for staff officers work. Dumb and Lazy: Officers who follows orders and best suited for the administrative work. They do not show too much own initiative but do no harm others as perform in a consistent predictable manner. Often inherits value created by the Smart and Actives ones. Dumb and Active: These are dangerous and must be eliminated. Does not follow orders, makes mistakes and pursues his own agenda.
WHY ? During PSO planning and implementation the staff supports commander and their subordinate units.
STAFF FUNCTIONS Support the commander, Assist subordinate units,
Keep subordinate, higher, adjacent, supported, and supporting headquarters informed Staffs exist to help the commander make and implement decisions. The primary product the staff produces for the commander, and for subordinate commanders, is understanding, or situational awareness. True understanding should be the basis for information provided to commanders to make decisions. Formal staff processes provide two types of information associated with understanding and decision making. All other staff activities are secondary. The first is situational awareness information, which creates an understanding of the situation as the basis for making a decision. Simply, it is understanding oneself, the enemy, and the terrain or environment. The second type of information, execution information, communicates a clearly understood vision of the operation and desired outcome after a decision is made. Examples of execution information are conclusions, recommendations,guidance, intent, concept statements,and orders.
SUPPORT THE COMMANDER Information management is a core tool fore each staff section to provide control over its field of interest. Common Operation Picture (COP) Control his field and support the commander to communicate throughout the force to accomplish the mission Staffs exist to help the commander make and implement decisions. The primary product the staff produces for the commander, and for subordinate commanders, is understanding, or situational awareness. True understanding should be the basis for information provided to commanders to make decisions. Formal staff processes provide two types of information associated with understanding and decision making. All other staff activities are secondary. The first is situational awareness information, which creates an understanding of the situation as the basis for making a decision. Simply, it is understanding oneself, the enemy, and the terrain or environment. The second type of information, execution information, communicates a clearly understood vision of the operation and desired outcome after a decision is made. Examples of execution information are conclusions, recommendations,guidance, intent, concept statements,and orders.
Assists subordinate units by providing resources the commander allocates to them Representing subordinates’ concerns to the commander Clarifying orders and directives Passing RI quickly Staffs exist to help the commander make and implement decisions. The primary product the staff produces for the commander, and for subordinate commanders, is understanding, or situational awareness. True understanding should be the basis for information provided to commanders to make decisions. Formal staff processes provide two types of information associated with understanding and decision making. All other staff activities are secondary. The first is situational awareness information, which creates an understanding of the situation as the basis for making a decision. Simply, it is understanding oneself, the enemy, and the terrain or environment. The second type of information, execution information, communicates a clearly understood vision of the operation and desired outcome after a decision is made. Examples of execution information are conclusions, recommendations,guidance, intent, concept statements,and orders.
There are several rules to remember when managing information: information should be passed as soon as possible; the key is relevance, not volume; information should reach recipients based on their need for it; no answer or, not full information in time is better then full but late one Staffs exist to help the commander make and implement decisions. The primary product the staff produces for the commander, and for subordinate commanders, is understanding, or situational awareness. True understanding should be the basis for information provided to commanders to make decisions. Formal staff processes provide two types of information associated with understanding and decision making. All other staff activities are secondary. The first is situational awareness information, which creates an understanding of the situation as the basis for making a decision. Simply, it is understanding oneself, the enemy, and the terrain or environment. The second type of information, execution information, communicates a clearly understood vision of the operation and desired outcome after a decision is made. Examples of execution information are conclusions, recommendations,guidance, intent, concept statements,and orders.
Advising and informing the commander Preparing, updating, and maintaining staff estimates. Making recommendations. Preparing plans and orders. Managing information within fields of interest. Identifying and analysing problems. Performing staff coordination. Conducting training. Performing staff assistance visits and inspections. Performing risk management Performing staff administrative procedures Exercising staff supervision
COS or XO The COS (XO) is the commander's principal staff officer. He directs staff tasks, conducts staff coordination, and ensures efficient and prompt staff response. The commander normally delegates authority to the COS for the executive management of coordinating and special staff officers.
COS or XO Integrating and synchronizing the warfighting plans.
Managing the commander's critical information requirements (CCIR). Establishing, managing, and enforcing the staff planning time line in accordance with the commander's guidance. Supervising the targeting, deep operations, and other cross-forward line of troops (FLOT) planning cells. Integrating deception planning and fratricide countermeasures into the plan. Determining liaison requirements, establishing liaison information exchange requirements, and receiving liaison teams. Directly supervising the main command post (CP) and headquarters cell, including displacement, protection, security, and communications. Monitoring staff’s discipline, morale, and combat and mobilization readiness. Organizing, planning, and conducting staff training. Supervising all tasks assigned to the staff.
PERSONAL STAFF GROUP Command sergeant major Aide-de-camp (adjutant)
Public affairs officer Staff judge advocate Chaplain
Coordinating staff officers are the commander's principal staff assistants and are directly accountable to the COS. Coordinating staff officers are responsible for one or a combination of broad fields of interest. They help the commander coordinate and supervise the execution of plans, operations, and activities. Collectively, through the CofS, they are accountable for the commander's entire field of responsibilities. The staff is not accountable for functional areas the commander decides to personally control.
S-1 – Personnel S-2 – Intelligence S-3 – Operations and training S-4 – Logistics S-5 – Civil-military operations S-6 – Command, control, communications, and computer operations (C4OPS)
S1 - PERSONNEL Personnel Manning: Personnel Services:
personnel readiness and replacement management personnel accounting Personnel Services: casualty operations management essential personnel services Personnel support Postal operations management Community and family support activities Headquarters management: manpower allocation supervising movement internal arrangement space allocation
Intelligence readiness: maintaining relationships and procedures organizations intelligence training Intelligence tasks: managing the intelligence process IPB civil considerations portions of the COP recommending PIRs Intelligence synchronization: managing intelligence requirements facilitating ISR integration, Other intelligence support: preparing the intelligence annex providing intelligence updates Counterintelligence identifying and evaluating adversary collection capabilities Support to security programs: evaluating physical security vulnerabilities
S3 - OPERATIONS Training: Operations and plans:
Managing training and evaluations, METL development… Operations and plans: Preparing, coordinating, authenticating (patvirtinti), publishing, and distributing the command SOP, plans, orders, Synchronizing tactical operations, Planning tactical troop movements, Integrating ISR, CS into the concept of operations, Recommending priorities for allocating critical resources… Force Development and Modernization: Developing and recommending force structure, Fielding (išbandymas) new weapons and equipment
S4 – CSS and LOG Logistic operations and plans: Supply: Maintenance:
Developing the logistic plan to support operations Selection of, and recommending of main supply routes (MSRs) and logistic support areas Supply: Determining supply requirements Coordinating all classes of supply Recommending CSS priorities Maintenance: Monitoring and analyzing the equipment readiness status Transportation: Planning administrative troop movements Coordinating transportation assets HN support Services: Coordinating the construction of facilities and installations clothing and individual equipment exchange Coordinating or providing food preparation, water purification, mortuary affairs, aerial delivery, laundry, shower, and clothing/light textile repair
S5 - CIMIC Advising the Cdr on the effect of civilian populations on military operations. Minimizing civilian interference with operations. Advising the Cdr on legal and moral obligations incurred from the long- and short-term effects (economic, environmental, and health) of military operations on civilian populations. Maintaining liaison with other governmental agencies, HN civil and military authorities, and nongovernmental and international organizations in the AO. Coordinating with the FSO on protected targets. Planning community relations programs to gain and maintain public understanding and goodwill, and to support military operations. Providing the G-2 (S-2) information gained from civilians in the AO. Coordinating with the G-7 and PSYOP officer on trends in public opinion. Identifying and assisting the G-6 (S-6) with coordinating military use of local INFOSYS. Participating in targeting meetings. Helping the G-4 (S-4) coordinate facilities, supplies, and other materiel resources available from the civil sector to support operations
S6 – C4 C4 Operations: Network Operations: Information Management:
Preparing and maintaining C4OPS estimates, plans, and orders; Monitoring and making recommendations on all technical C4OPS activities; Recommending CP locations, based on the information environment Network Operations: providing a managed flow of RI based on the command’s missions protecting and defending INFOSYS and networks against exploitation, degradation, and denial of services Information Management: Facilitating the timely flow of RI and enabling the staff to process, display, store, and disseminate the COP
SPECIAL STAFF GROUP Special staff officers help the commander and other members of the staff in their professional or technical functional area. The specific number of special staff officers and their duties vary at each level of command. Special staff sections are organized according to functional areas.
S2 SSG Staff Weather Officer. The SWO is the coordinating staff responsibility of the G2 (S2). The staff weather officer is the special staff officer responsible for coordinating operational weather support to tactical commanders and weather service matters. The SWO is an Air Force officer, provided on request by the Air Force, normally at division and corps levels.
S3 SSG Air Defense Coordinator (ADCOORD). The air defense coordinator is the special staff officer responsible for coordinating matters concerning the deployment of air defense artillery (ADA) systems, assets, and operations. The ADCOORD is the senior air defense artillery officer in the command. He is also the commander of an ADA unit supporting the command. An ADCOORD is at corps and division levels. Air Liaison Officer (ALO). The air liaison officer is the special staff officer responsible for coordinating tactical air assets and operations such as close air support (CAS), air interdiction, joint suppression of enemy air defense (SEAD), reconnaissance, and airlift. The ALO is the senior Air Force officer with each tactical air control party (TACP). An ALO is authorized at corps, division, and brigade levels. Chemical Officer (CHEMO). The chemical officer is the special staff officer responsible for the use of or requirement for chemical assets and NBC defense and smoke operations. A chemical officer is at every echelon of command.
S3 SSG Engineer Coordinator (ENCOORD). The engineer coordinator is the special staff officer for coordinating engineer assets and operations for the command. The ENCOORD is usually the senior engineer officer in the force. He is the commander of an engineer unit supporting the command. The assistant or deputy ENCOORD is a permanent staff officer representing the ENCOORD in his absence. An ENCOORD is located at corps and division levels and one is normally task-organized to maneuver brigades and battalions. Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Officer. The explosive ordnance disposal officer is the special staff officer for coordinating the detection, identification, recovery, evaluation, render safe, and final disposal of explosive ordnance. An EOD officer is authorized at corps and division levels and will normally be dual hatted as the EOD group, battalion, or company commander.
S3 SSG Fire Support Coordinator (FSCOORD). The fire support coordinator is the special staff officer for coordinating fire support and field artillery assets and operations in the command. The FSCOORD is the senior field artillery officer in the force. He is the commander of a field artillery unit supporting the force. The assistant or deputy FSCOORD is a permanent staff officer on the staff representing the FSCOORD in his absence. There is a FSCOORD with the maneuver force at every echelon of command from battalion through corps. At brigade, regiment, and below, the FSCOORD.s representative is the FSO. Liaison Officer (LNO). The liaison officer is a special staff officer responsible for representing the commander at the headquarters of another unit for effecting coordination and promoting cooperation between the two units. Psychological Operations (PSYOP) Officer. The psychological operations officer is the special staff officer responsible for coordinating PSYOP assets and operations in the command. A PSYOP officer is located at corps and division levels. If no PSYOP officer is assigned to the command, the PSYOP support element commander of an attached PSYOP support element may assume the duties and responsibilities of the PSYOP special staff officer.
Some NATO nations can afford to have several very important positions within the staff during the PSO: the Legal advisor (LEGAD), the Political advisor (POLAD), the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO), interpreters, the Humanitarian advisor (HUMAD)
STAFF PROCEDURES Depends on internal military culture and battle rhythm Different methods to achieve results in the staff procedures could be used Staff analysis 7 questions estimate Military decision making process In every unit/formation procedures in details describes SOPs and SOIs
TASKS Analyze the briefing and paper information within the syndicate
Prepare 5 questions for discussion for each topic To bring for discussion (what each staff member does): Mission analysis COA development War gaming COA Comparison and Approval Order briefing
I Task II Task III Task IV Task V Task
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