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Social Studies 6 th Grade Ms. VeRonica Young Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Studies 6 th Grade Ms. VeRonica Young Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Studies 6 th Grade Ms. VeRonica Young Welcome

2 World Geography Map Skills Europe Canada Latin America Australia

3 Key Elements Government History Culture Economy Geography

4 How is my childs grade determined?

5 What is the 6 th grade Promotion Criteria? Students must pass 4 out of 5 classes. Students must pass LA and Math The two connection classes are averaged and count as 1 of 5 classes

6 What is AKS/CQI? Daily class for previewing, skills maintainance and enrichment (35 minutes) Focus on reading, writing and math Flexible according to progress

7 How do I know what my child is studying each day? Check Agenda Visit OnMyCalendar Visit textbook website Read quarterly newsletters Talk with your chil d

8 What can I do to help my child? Ask questions????? Set aside a time and a specific location for homework Check Agenda Maintain communication with teacher

9 How will I know how my child is doing in class? PARENT PORTAL! Progress reports every 6 weeks Report cards at end of each semester

10 What are important testing dates? The Criterion-Referenced Competency Test (CRCT) will be administered on April 23 through April 27. The Social Studies CRCT will be weighted as follows: History 30%, Geography 30%, Civics/Government 20% and Economics 20%.

11 What if my child is having difficulty with Social Studies? Contact me via e-mail or phone Send to help sessions on Friday at 8:20 A.M. Use on-line textbook resource Utilize the which can be accessed from the Duluth Middle School website

12 HELPFUL HINTS Be consistent Talk to your child Listen to your child Provide rewards Provide consequences Encourage your child Enjoy your child

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